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Daily Quotes

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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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Daily papers in England used to have an entire page of the paper dedicated to what the Beatles had done the day before  (Daily Quotes) Once when I was working for the Daily News, I was summoned back to work from vacation because Donald Trump announced he was getting a divorce  (Daily Quotes) The Communists automatically violated the daily practices of democracy to which I was accustomed  (Daily Quotes) Hope you’ve been enjoying the pleasant summer weather on your daily walks of shame  (Daily Quotes) Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried with fewer tensions and more tolerance  (Daily Quotes) Once you make a decision to do something, and a commitment to do it daily, the universe conspires to make it happen  (Daily Quotes) Do I get jealous? Yes. Do I cry randomly? Yes. Do I get angry? Yes. Do I fight? Yes. Do I need a daily hug? Yes. Because I’m only human  (Daily Quotes) God will lead you where he wants you to be, but you have to talk to him daily to see where he wants you to go. The key is prayer  (Daily Quotes) Taking a daily vitamin should help with the illusion you’re somehow repairing the grisly damage you’ve caused your body all these years  (Daily Quotes) If we all do random acts of kindness daily, we might just set the world in the right direction  (Daily Quotes) It’s not what you do every once in a while; it’s what you dedicate yourself to on a daily basis that makes the difference  (Daily Quotes) The theology you live out is much more important to your daily life than the theology you claim to believe  (Daily Quotes) There must be nothing in my daily conduct that, copied by another, could lead that one into unholiness  (Daily Quotes) The news of the discovery spread fast all over the country, and inquisitive enquiries mingled with congratulations from this moment became the daily programme  (Daily Quotes) A strong friendship doesn’t always need daily conversation or togetherness, as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part  (Daily Quotes) Feeling unimportant is such a daily struggle. It’s not something that just goes away. It usually sticks with you until someone changes it  (Daily Quotes) Work is elevated by our daily environment into something that is appropriately done everywhere and at every conceivable moment  (Daily Quotes) The music you listen to on a daily basis will become the soundtrack for your life. Choose wisely  (Daily Quotes) Making you smile is part of my daily routine. That is my way of letting you know that you mean the word to me  (Daily Quotes) Our love for our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ needs to be reflected in our daily choices and actions. They have promised peace, joy, and happiness to those who keep Their commandments  (Daily Quotes) Anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around - you’re traveling in order to be moved. And really what you’re seeing is not just the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall but some moods or intimations or places inside yourself that you never ordinarily see when you’re sleepwalking through your daily life  (Daily Quotes) I have learned that, although I am a good teacher, I am a much better student, and I was blessed to learn valuable lessons from my students on a daily basis. They taught me the importance of teaching to a student - and not to a test  (Daily Quotes) The people we live with and work with on a daily basis deserve our full attention. When we give people segmented attention, piecemeal time, switching back and forth, the switching cost is higher than just the time involved. We end up damaging relationships  (Daily Quotes) We knew when we started the Daily Muse, we wanted a recruiting-focused business model rather than an advertising-focused one. We felt like publishers were being forced to go to more and more extreme lengths to monetize through advertising  (Daily Quotes) Never complain, about the number of hours you have put in, to do a job, Your nobility must estimate how much of you Was put into each hour of your daily work  (Daily Quotes) Daily there have to be many troubles and trials in every house, city, and country. No station in life is free of suffering and pain, both from your own, like your wife or children or household help or subjects, and from the outside, from your neighbors and all sorts of accidental trouble  (Daily Quotes) Democracy doesn’t work unless people are well informed, and I don’t know that we are. People just don’t have the time. Most people’s daily lives are just about surviving. Most people don’t have time to really study [crucial] issues  (Daily Quotes) Most inspiration still comes from bicycling around San Francisco. This city never fails to inspire me. It is one of the most vibrant cities - especially visually - with a constant influx of young energy arriving daily. I love it  (Daily Quotes) According to the New York Daily News, Geraldo said he is now carrying a gun, and he will personally shoot Osama bin Laden if he finds him. If Osama also has a gun, this could work out okay  (Daily Quotes) When you first start out don’t set yourself a lofty goal of sitting down to meditate for twenty minutes. Aim instead for ten minutes or even five minutes - utilizing those few moments when you find yourself willing or even desiring just to take a break from the daily grind to observe your mind rather than drifting off into daydreams  (Daily Quotes)
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