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Daily Quotes

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I take life very seriously. I can laugh at it, because what else can you do? But it’s a hard daily battle.  (Daily Quotes) Wisdom lies in recognizing the dangers that lie within us and doing battle with them daily  (Daily Quotes) I work on myself daily to be a better person. When I react in a negative way to somebody, I sit back and think about why I did it, so I’m always working on myself, and my music is the same.  (Daily Quotes) If there were teenagers who had a video camera and saw what I did on a daily basis, they’d be bored out of their mind.  (Daily Quotes) Remind yourself daily that someone somewhere is happy with less than you possess  (Daily Quotes) If I have a clear spot in my schedule, I like to tackle the heavy scenes that require the heightened emotion and focus of a long writing session. Otherwise, I have daily obligations that can’t be ignored.  (Daily Quotes) You solely owe success and happiness to yourself. So why not make your inner-self proud of your daily decisions and actions?  (Daily Quotes) Great things are possible only to strong souls and it’s from the trivial events of daily life that strength is won.  (Daily Quotes) You come across quite ordinary, nondescript people in daily life, and I don’t see why you should be subjected to them on the stage, too.  (Daily Quotes) Living with a stammer is difficult. It’s a daily uphill struggle with emotional baggage weighing you down. You can’t be the person you want to be.  (Daily Quotes) .I think daily life is the most beautiful and wonderful thing that anyone can have  (Daily Quotes) Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the something you do daily  (Daily Quotes) I think we live in a world where the most important thing is daily life: sharing a space with your family, making meals, being with your people. It’s not only the idea of privacy, it’s the beauty of the moment, at a time in the world when everything goes really fast - too fast.  (Daily Quotes) I have a cell phone that doesn’t behave like a phone: It behaves like a computer that makes calls. Computers are becoming an integral part of daily life. And if people don’t start designing them to be more user-friendly, then an even larger part of the population is going to be left out of even more stuff.  (Daily Quotes) I wish to begin again on a daily basis. To be born again every day is something that I try to do. And I’m deadly serious about that.  (Daily Quotes) My favorite thing about being a mom is just what a better person it makes you on a daily basis,  (Daily Quotes) Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.  (Daily Quotes) After so many years, I’ve learned that being creative is a full-time job with its own daily patterns. That’s why writers, for example, like to establish routines for themselves.  (Daily Quotes) Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day one should meditate on being carried away by surging waves, falling from thousand-foot cliffs, dying of disease.  (Daily Quotes) Being a decorator allowed me to see what about people’s environments made them happy. And what things they could do to have more light and color and joy in their daily lives.  (Daily Quotes) The real skill of being a writer is being able to take your inspired moments, and make them work as a whole, through the unromantic, daily hard work.  (Daily Quotes) I love the comfort of daily life’s routines: things like being able to read a paper on the subway. It’s no accident that my favourite word is ‘quotidian.’  (Daily Quotes) Remind yourself daily to spend more time being interested then interesting  (Daily Quotes) Just before a game, I try to keep a clear mind so that I can focus better. I’m the kind of person who plays fast and relies a lot on intuition, so being at peace with myself is vital. Saying my daily prayers helps me achieve this heightened state of mind.  (Daily Quotes) Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice... No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.  (Daily Quotes) I have suffered from bullying in many ways, from bullying in school due to my disability in reading, to digital abuse that I deal with on a daily basis. I’d like to tell the kids that are being bullied that no one should have to deal with the abuse, ever!  (Daily Quotes) If we are paying attention to our lives, we’ll recognise those defining moments. The challenge for so many of us is that we are so deep into daily distractions and ‘being busy, busy’ that we miss out on those moments and opportunities that - if jumped on - would get our careers and personal lives to a whole new level of wow.  (Daily Quotes) I don’t know how exactly but I’m maybe perverse in the sense that I like being disappointed in something on a daily basis. Because it means that I’m still not jaded.  (Daily Quotes) I always focused on being an actor. I did stand-up briefly, but I also did a lot of dramatic work. But since I’ve been on ‘The Daily Show,’ people think I’m a comedian. That’s not how I see myself.  (Daily Quotes) The majority of people believe in incredible things which are absolutely false. The majority of people daily act in a manner prejudicial to their general well-being.  (Daily Quotes)
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