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Daily Quotes

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My firm belief is that he reveals Himself daily to every human being but we shut our ears to the still small Voice.  (Daily Quotes) Teenagers expressing this on a daily basis in the middle of the streets - you can’t help but believe we are in the mind state of taking our losses and changing people’s perceptions of us and our community. We are strong. Our families are tired of being hurt.  (Daily Quotes) A lot of my friends were gay, so I was spat on on the bus daily, and I ended up in hospital a couple of times from being beaten up so badly.  (Daily Quotes) A close, daily intimacy between two people has to be paid for: it requires a great deal of experience of life, logic, and warmth of heart on both sides to enjoy each other’s good qualities without being irritated by each other’s shortcomings and blaming each other for them.  (Daily Quotes) There’s no single more powerful or simpler daily practice to further your health and well being than breath work.  (Daily Quotes) If we being to ready the Bible daily; we will awake the divinity of our souls  (Daily Quotes) I am Puerto Rican. I think Latinas are sexy, and being one, it has influenced a lot of my style, but being an official Los Angelite, this town has influenced most of my daily style, which is relaxed and easy.  (Daily Quotes) The world intrudes in my brain daily. Since my brain is dripping with all kinds of stuff that’s out there in the world, that I can’t seem to be able to shut out, it has to end up being in my work as well.  (Daily Quotes) That’s what running does to lives. It’s not just exercise. It’s not just achievement. It’s a daily discipline that has nothing to do with speed, weight, social status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, where you live, what car you drive, or whether anyone anywhere loves you. It’s about the slow and painful process of being the best you can be.  (Daily Quotes) Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity’s belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul, and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.  (Daily Quotes) Yes, I believe in God, but I don’t perform a daily puja. I don’t have any gurus. Ek baat hai,destiny, koi cheez hai.  (Daily Quotes) I don’t believe in pretending to be someone else. I’m what I actually am in real life. For instance, like any normal girl, I fight with my mother. I mean, it is just fine. In fact, I fight daily with my mother.  (Daily Quotes) True Christianity is not merely believing a certain set of dry abstract propositions: it is to live in daily personal communication with an actual living person - Jesus Christ.  (Daily Quotes) Consumer technology and medical tools have been created to benefit our daily lives. Without self-regulation, though, the industry could be at risk of potentially halting years of innovation and stunting growth in this field.  (Daily Quotes) Love requires that true education should be easily accessible to all and should be of use to every villager in this daily life. The emphasis laid on the principle of spending every minute of one’s life usefully is the best education for citizenship.  (Daily Quotes) I e-mail or phone my best girlfriend daily. Having people who know you well helps you stay grounded and gives perspective to whatever momentary drama you’re going through.  (Daily Quotes) My husband and my children inspire me on a daily basis to be the best wife, mom, and woman I can be.  (Daily Quotes) It was Barry Diller’s idea to start ‘The Daily Beast,’ and he has turned out to be the best partner I’ve ever had. There’s no one better to go into the jungle with.  (Daily Quotes) Imagine yourself doing what is best for you. Commit yourself to excellence. Transform yourself with dedication to excellence, from daily self-improvement and practice. Enjoy the process.  (Daily Quotes) Imagine yourself doing what is best for you. Commit yourself to excellence. Transform yourself with dedication into excellence, from daily self-improvement and practice. Enjoy doing the process.  (Daily Quotes) I start work by spending time in personal Bible study. Because my projects center on a question in my own faith walk, I find Bible study essential. And God gives me scriptures daily that speak to the question with which I’m struggling.  (Daily Quotes) Championships are not won on the night of a big event, but years before by athletes who commit themselves daily to championship principles  (Daily Quotes) I just want to thank people who take big risks in their daily lives when there aren’t cameras rolling. I want to dedicate this award to people who stand up for peace and against injustice and intolerance.  (Daily Quotes) I’d like to see education play a larger role in our daily lives, have people come to a larger understanding - a bigger picture understanding - of how we fit into the world, and how we fit into the universe. Not necessarily thinking of ourselves, but thinking of others.  (Daily Quotes) Have your fun, my dear; but if you must earn your bread, try to make it sweet with cheerfulness, not bitter with the daily regret that it isn’t cake.  (Daily Quotes) There are huge divorces and divides and chasms in black America between the have-gots and the have-nots, between the monied and the poor, between the educated and the non-educated. And there are huge and growing chasms daily. And I want to say that it’s not simply about generation. It’s about genre.  (Daily Quotes) The working-class black Southern Christian culture I come from still nurtures me, and I mean directly, daily.  (Daily Quotes) The daily calendar seemed, to me, like a kind of cartoon black hole, and you didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that that couldn’t be sustained indefinitely. That’s why I pulled the plug on that one after the 02 edition. Kind of a preemptive strike.  (Daily Quotes) If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for the Creator, there is no poverty.  (Daily Quotes) Having the great opportunity on a daily basis to sit in front of a blank page is terrifying, and at the same time really exciting. I can’t actually get better at my job, because every time you finish something you start with a blank page, with nothing.  (Daily Quotes)
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