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Daily Quotes

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Always acknowledge your daily blessings with a grateful heart, but never dare to be content with them. Your true potential in life is limitless.  (Daily Quotes) Grateful attitude,Thank God for one specific thing daily and write it in a journal. You will be amazed at abundance of blessings which will flow in your life.  (Daily Quotes) Man’s guilt in history and in the tides of his own blood has been complicated by technology, the daily seeping falsehearted death.  (Daily Quotes) Daily irradiation of the human body by natural sunlight is an extremely important aspect of human health.  (Daily Quotes) Virtue is the panacea for both body and mind. The virtuous person can be both healthy and happy. How is virtue to be cultivated? How can it express itself in daily practice? Through service to living beings, through seva. Virtue must flow through the triple channel of love, mercy and detachment, in order to feed the roots of seva.  (Daily Quotes) When we don’t nourish ourselves with fresh, healthy food, restful sleep, regular exercise, a daily spiritual practice such as meditation or journaling, and other mind-body healing habits, we will inevitably feel tired, out of balance, irritable, and sometimes even depressed.  (Daily Quotes) You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body - by judicious, daily exercise  (Daily Quotes) I have adapted the whole book [Candid] into tweets of 140 characters, and these are being sent out daily, at the rate of eight tweets per day .  (Daily Quotes) She is waiting the day she would stop writing about him in her daily book  (Daily Quotes) Soaps are really like boot camp for acting. You learn about the industry, you learn about being on stage, and you learn about showing up on time. The sheer volume of work, on a daily basis, blows your mind and forces you to really work that muscle of memorization and just being able to change things on your feet.  (Daily Quotes) I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, and the whole lifestyle revolves around the beach. My parents met surfing, and the beach was a major part of our daily lives.  (Daily Quotes) We were all born with a certain degree of power. The key to success is discovering this innate power and using it daily to deal with whatever challenges come our way.  (Daily Quotes) To be honest, bread constipates me, and I like to have my daily bowel movement  (Daily Quotes) Few Americans have ever met their Congresspeople. They don’t see them at the grocery store; they don’t meet them at the bowling alley. They’re more likely to see their representatives in photographs from the Daily Grill in Washington, D.C., than at a local town hall.  (Daily Quotes) I’ve actually always started with what feels most natural. Which is, the people who surround me in my daily life. So, the first show I ever wrote, which is called ‘Surface Transit,’ was based in part on people I knew from my family. Co-workers, ex-boyfriends. All of that kind of thing.  (Daily Quotes) Jewish prayers are mostly about daily things - the sliver of a new moon, dew on the grass, the bread and the wine.  (Daily Quotes) The natural creativity of the staff morphed ‘The Daily Beast’ very fast into what has become a newsroom. Aggregation lives on the Cheat Sheet, the video player, and in the breaking news slot in the first big box. The rest is all original, generated by Beast writers and editors.  (Daily Quotes) I taught high school for one year in Deerfield Beach, Fla., and in the end, it was such an enjoyable experience breaking up fights daily, that I decided to return to the combat zone of Afghanistan.  (Daily Quotes) Prayer is the only means of bringing about orderliness and peace and repose in our daily acts  (Daily Quotes) I’m not really much of an actor, so when I started on ‘The Daily Show,’ I was just trying to adopt the faux authority of a newsperson. Having a British accent definitely gave me a sonic leg up on that because there is a faux authority to the British accent in and of itself.  (Daily Quotes) When I fly British Airways, I can’t help but read the free Daily Mail, which makes me glad I am leaving the country.  (Daily Quotes) The author points out that novices to total war, and this Hitler and the British press have in common, overreact to daily events and lose sight of overall strategy.  (Daily Quotes) Because of the earlier loss of the two elder siblings, my brother and I lived a very pampered and protected life. Nursemaids kept constant watch. With my parents busy at dinner parties and social events, we only met them as if for a daily royal audience.  (Daily Quotes) I don’t have a daily routine, beyond brushing my teeth. It changes every day.  (Daily Quotes) To reflect on everything in daily life is to nurture your buddha nature  (Daily Quotes) I realize that the New York Times probably not written for the express purpose of driving me mad; I think of it as liberalism’s daily bulletin board.  (Daily Quotes) Scriptures reveal the divine desires of the Lord in our behalf. Each of us should have a burning desire to search the scriptures diligently and daily to seek the will of the Lord in our life. For some, it may be necessary to develop the discipline to search the scriptures daily.  (Daily Quotes) It’s getting better generally, daily, especially in TV, for women in acting and age and looks count less. As more women come into the business. Change of any sort takes a long time to happen.  (Daily Quotes) If Japanese companies don’t reform drastically and implement English as their daily business language, the economy will only continue to contract.  (Daily Quotes) We are living in a time when the very integrity of the Constitution is being threatened daily, from federal bailouts to federal assumption of control over private business.  (Daily Quotes)
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