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Daily Quotes

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Serenity, regularity, absence of vanity,Sincerity, simplicity, veracity, equanimity, Fixity, non-irritability, adaptability, Humility, tenacity, integrity, nobility, magnanimity, charity, generosity, purity. Practise daily these eighteen ities You will soon attain immortality.  (Daily Quotes) Fashion and wearing clothes is a daily routine for everybody. What better way to spread the word of giving back and philanthropic ways of life than to wear something that gives back to charity?  (Daily Quotes) I go on The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast is one of the websites that I check out.  (Daily Quotes) If you’re fifty, exercise your mind and body regularly, eat well, and have a general zest for life, you’re likely younger - in very real, physical terms - than your neighbor who is forty-four, works in a dead-end job, eats chicken wings twice a day, considers thinking too strenuous, and looks at lifting a beer glass as a reasonable daily workout.  (Daily Quotes) Childlike in faith means the daily acknowledgment of utter dependence and that I owe my life and being to another.  (Daily Quotes) Our children need to see that faith matters, that it’s relevant to our daily situations, that it’s real.  (Daily Quotes) Write hand-written notes daily and commit to supporting the growth and self-esteem of children, because it makes such a big difference in terms of their capacity for learning.  (Daily Quotes) Right now I am trying to be in a place of calm, a place where I can chill out and then handle the chaos of life better. You don’t just get it overnight; you have to work at it. It’s a daily struggle.  (Daily Quotes) Ottolenghi sells lots of delicious sweet things, but my daily addiction is their unbelievable dark chocolate salted caramel biscuits. They’re the best things in the world - I go through half a packet every night. I bring them out after pudding at dinner parties.  (Daily Quotes) Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable.  (Daily Quotes) Recalling what our lives were like before Jesus Christ entered them will help keep our daily problems in perspective.  (Daily Quotes) When you think about your relationship with Christ, it really just affects every aspect of your life. I think a lot of people try to segment off, like, ‘This is church, so this is God, this is my daily life, this is my job,’ but I think true faith is when it manifests itself in every single aspect of your life.  (Daily Quotes) We have no middle ground, no foggy gray area where we can sin a little without suffering spiritual decline. That is why we must repent and come to Christ daily on submissive knees so that we can prevent our bonfires of testimony from being snuffed out by sin.  (Daily Quotes) We may go to church once a week, but our Christian life is daily - step-by-step  (Daily Quotes) Daily living by faith on Christ is what makes the difference between the sickly and the healthy Christian, between the defeated and the victorious saint.  (Daily Quotes) Daily Christian living, in other words, is daily Christian dying: dying to our trivial comforts, soul-shrinking conveniences, arrogant preferences, and self-centered entitlements, and living for something much larger than what makes us comfortable and safe.  (Daily Quotes) We know of no cure for the love of evil in a Christian like daily communion with the Lord Jesus  (Daily Quotes) Nothing during the year is so impressively convincing as the vision Christmas brings of what this world would be if love became the daily practice of human beings.  (Daily Quotes) One who hooks his fortune to ahimsa, the law of love, daily lessens the circle of destruction and to that extent promotes life and love.  (Daily Quotes) I think of art as coming from daily life, daily experience. I think it’s very important not to have it become work for some kind of elite circle.  (Daily Quotes) Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding...  (Daily Quotes) As a southerner born after the epic events of the civil rights movement, I’ve always wondered how on earth people of good will could have conceivably lived with Jim Crow - with the daily degradations, the lynchings in plain sight, and, as the movement gathered force, with the fire hoses and the police dogs and the billy clubs.  (Daily Quotes) There are for starters, grandeur and silence, pure water and clean air. There is also the gift of distance ... the chance to stand away from relationships and daily ritual ... and the gift of energy. Wilderness infuses us with its own special brand of energy.  (Daily Quotes) Try and get out into nature for even 30 min. each day to clear your head think walk breathe. Great daily practice.  (Daily Quotes) I’m a man of history. My vision is guiding me, my clear vision. It is not by chance that the currents of peace are increasing daily inside Israel.  (Daily Quotes) Pay close attention to objects, events and natural phenomenon that would otherwise get chewed up in the daily grind.  (Daily Quotes) By the nature of the sport and the danger we face daily, we are very close knit. Some of us have spent most of our lives together. To give you an example, having spent two decades sitting next to Richard Johnson and seeing him virtually every day, I have probably spent more time with him than I have my family, and he the same.  (Daily Quotes) My love for you grows daily, and all it takes is exposure to your sunny disposition, coupled with watering it with coffee.  (Daily Quotes) There is a way in which the collective knowledge of mankind expresses itself, for the finite individual, through mere daily living . . . a way in which life itself is sheer knowing.  (Daily Quotes) I have had the same friends since college, although as time has gone on, the daily nature of those relationships has changed, such that it is not daily at all.  (Daily Quotes)
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