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The first time I met Jon Stewart was at the press conference that Comedy Central held to announce Jon would be the new host of ‘The Daily Show,’ which back then was not called ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.’  (Daily Quotes) I can’t even look at daily comic strips. And I hate sitcoms because they don’t seem like real people to me: they’re props that often say horrible things to each other, which I don’t find funny. I have to feel like they’re real people.  (Daily Quotes) My giving story started with my parents - my late mother, Frances Arrillaga, who dedicated her life to philanthropic and community service, and my father, John Arrillaga, whose daily generosity of heart, mind, and hands-on contributions make him one of the most extraordinary philanthropists I know.  (Daily Quotes) The word phobic has its place when properly used, but lately it’s been declawed by the pompous insistence that most animosity is based upon fear rather than loathing.... I hate computers. My hatred is entrenched, and I nourish it daily. I’m comfortable with it, and no community outreach program will change my mind.  (Daily Quotes) It is not about sexuality that is important to most people who care, it is what we do for our community and our family, our friends and just human compassion for others that matter in the world we live in daily.  (Daily Quotes) I don’t really think about doing something kind, I think there’s just a way to conduct your daily life with compassion to other people.  (Daily Quotes) Some days the competition would beat me and I’d go home thinking awful thoughts, want to hide under the bed, depressed. But of course, in the news business, when you’re working a daily news broadcast, you get your victories and defeats every day.  (Daily Quotes) My family lives all around me. We see each other daily. It’s very, very complicated. I think that families hold us together and they split us apart.  (Daily Quotes) U.S. computer networks and databases are under daily cyber attack by nation states, international crime organizations, subnational groups, and individual hackers.  (Daily Quotes) Just being able to get paid to do something you love is a wonderful thing. That said, a writer’s daily routine, unless you’re Dominick Dunne, isn’t exactly glamorous. Much of it amounts to drudgery, staring at a computer screen all day in a room by yourself, juggling nouns and verbs to make a demanding editor happy.  (Daily Quotes) When aerobic running becomes a daily habit, strength and confidence follow  (Daily Quotes) Whether we’re conscious of it or not, our work and personal lives are made up of daily rituals, including when we eat our meals, how we shower or groom, or how we approach our daily descent into the digital world of email communication.  (Daily Quotes) I think that being a conscious parent opens your eyes to the fact that any adult relationships that you have, whenever children are present on a daily basis, that they’re modeling how they get along with people by what they see how you get along.  (Daily Quotes) Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives  (Daily Quotes) Our greatest individual challenge in life is self-discipline. The self-discipline of a healthy diet, daily exercise, controlling our thoughts, selflessly serving others, and living a life of integrity.  (Daily Quotes) I would miss months of school and then return with bright blond hair. Needless to say, there was bullying. I wasn’t beaten up daily, but there was name-calling and jealousy. You have to bear in mind that ‘Harry Potter’ wasn’t cool. I wasn’t part of the ‘Terminator’ franchise.  (Daily Quotes) For me, basketball kind of mirrors life. It sounds deep, but the sport has transformed my personality and my daily coping mechanisms. It has meant a lot.  (Daily Quotes) I love to go to the gym for a couple of hours daily. Besides, I love my dancing routines; dance helps me unwind, de-stress, and introspect.  (Daily Quotes) As long as you invite faith, courage, and perseverance to become your daily companions, every test would inevitably mature into a testimony in your life.  (Daily Quotes) Daring to me is having courage; it’s a daily meditation to take breath and find strength  (Daily Quotes) When I moved to the East Village in the late seventies, I wanted to be a street performer, so I practiced daily. I never did work up the skills or the courage to perform on the street, though.  (Daily Quotes) Let’s work and rest happily, abandon us to the course of life; let’s run out the muddy and rotten water of the daily thinking and within the Void will flow the Gnosis and with it, the Joy for living.  (Daily Quotes) You don’t create your future. You create your daily habits, and they create your future.  (Daily Quotes) I think depression creates in me an urgent need to write, but I also believe that daily stress, and even the positive ‘stress’ of intense happiness, can compel me to express myself through the written word.  (Daily Quotes) Creation is a miracle of daily recurrence. ‘A miracle a minute’ would not be a bad slogan for God.  (Daily Quotes) If you go to a second-rate place, and you are first-rate, it is very difficult to do first-rate work because you do not get that critical feedback you need for first-rate work on a daily basis.  (Daily Quotes) I love being home, reading the paper in the morning and having a cup of coffee, doing laundry, going grocery shopping and running daily errands. For me, it’s important to have that balance in my life.  (Daily Quotes) Turkey has a very young, dynamic, curious population. In Europe, Facebook and Twitter are mostly about sharing daily experiences while for Turkish people, social networks are political platforms.  (Daily Quotes) My themes are derived from current events, from familiar situations, from daily life, because I never actively intervene against the object, I can feel the magic of its presence.  (Daily Quotes) God designed that the living machinery should be in daily activity. For in this activity or motion is its preserving power.... The more we exercise, the better will be the circulation of the blood.  (Daily Quotes)
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