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There are many females in my life I couldn’t function on a daily basis without who I’ve purposely put there that work with me.  (Daily Quotes) I believe that ultimately it all comes down to whether we seek conscious contact with God on a daily basis through prayer and meditation.  (Daily Quotes) There is a school in Israel called Hand in Hand which I support. There Arab and Jewish students study together on a daily basis.  (Daily Quotes) I often speak to returning service people about their experiences while serving. Whether in 1915 or 2005, the core issue of facing death on a daily basis remains.  (Daily Quotes) There’s something very romantic to me about people who persevere, and who get told no, no, no on a daily basis, and still do it anyway.  (Daily Quotes) At the millennium we partied like it was 1999. And then we had a 10 year bathtub tequila hangover, man. Just hugging the metaphorical toilet on a daily basis.  (Daily Quotes) It’s so weird that I play this woman who pretty much deals with violence on a daily basis, and I’m such a wimp in who I am.  (Daily Quotes) I work with the president almost on a daily basis. I was with him until 6:30 last night. I’ll be with him Thursday morning. We talk every day.  (Daily Quotes) Wonderful characters rotate around and through bookshops on a daily basis, competing with and possibly even triumphing over fiction when it comes to entertainment, strangeness and inspiration.  (Daily Quotes) I say, make the decision, and as soon as you make the decision, the rest of your life you just manage that decision on a daily basis.  (Daily Quotes) There are so many women who I deal with, on a daily basis, that I don’t feel like I’ve ever been stymied or struggled because I’m a woman.  (Daily Quotes) I stand in my own way on a daily basis. I don’t know if this is something I will ever overcome completely, and I’m oddly okay with that.  (Daily Quotes) I did Our Daily Bread for King and that made me popular in the Soviet Union; King was amused by that.  (Daily Quotes) For it is we who must pray for our daily bread, and if He grants it to us, it is only through our labour, our skill and preparation.  (Daily Quotes) If it is daily bread, why do you take it once a year? . . . Take daily what is to profit you daily. Live in such a way that you may deserve to receive it daily. He who does not deserve to receive it daily, does not deserve to receive it once a year.  (Daily Quotes) Truth is, I think, if God just gave us our daily bread, many of us would be angry. ‘That’s all you’re going to give me? You’re just going to give me enough to sustain me for today? What about tomorrow or next year or 10, 20, 30 years from now? I want to know that I’m set up.’ And yet Jesus says just pray for your daily provisions.  (Daily Quotes) Freedom is not just something with which we are born; it is something we achieve. America did not receive a perpetual endowment of freedom; it has had to struggle and fight to preserve it. Freedom is not an heirloom or an antique; it is a life that must fight against the corrosive powers of death and nourish itself on the daily bread of goodness and virtue.  (Daily Quotes) Never go hungry while the daily bread of grace is on the table of mercy  (Daily Quotes) Labor, therefore, is a duty from which no man living is exempt, without forfeiting his right to his daily bread.  (Daily Quotes) It’s difficult to oppress people who have a sense of identity and unity, he says. Our struggle is about being seen as human beings trying to earn our daily bread.  (Daily Quotes) When I was growing up, I never heard anyone pray, Give me this day my daily bread. It was always, Give us this day our daily bread. That stuck. We’re all in this together.  (Daily Quotes) Vulgar and obscene, the papers run rumors daily about people in show business, tales of wicked ways and witless affairs.  (Daily Quotes) Amidst one’s daily clutter, one doesn’t usually reflect on the splendour of being free because - naturally - one has to get on with the business of living.  (Daily Quotes) You carve out the organization’s character through your daily choices. You shape its conscience as you exercise your own.  (Daily Quotes) Our power lies in our small daily choices, one after another, to create eternal ripples of a life well lived.  (Daily Quotes) Reporters are faced with the daily choice of painstakingly researching stories or writing whatever people tell them. Both approaches pay the same.  (Daily Quotes) When I got to ‘The Daily Show,’ they asked me to have a political opinion. It turned out that I had one, but I didn’t realize quite how liberal I was until I was asked to make passionate comedic choices as opposed to necessarily successful comedic choices.  (Daily Quotes) Deprived of the opportunity to judge one another by the cars we drive, New Yorkers, thrown together daily on mass transit, form silent opinions based on our choices of subway reading. Just by glimpsing the cover staring back at us, we can reach the pinnacle of carnal desire or the depths of hatred. Soul mate or mortal enemy.  (Daily Quotes) We’re taught to solely blame our luck-of-the-draw genes for our health issues, rather than our daily habits, dietary choices, and interplay with the environment that surrounds us.  (Daily Quotes) From warm meals, to daily exercise, to healthcare; one can’t help but wonder how our society would be different if tended to the elderly as we do to our imprisoned.  (Daily Quotes)
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