Dalai Lama Quotes

Text Quotes
A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I’m nothing special, just an ordinary human being. That’s why I always describe myself as a simple Buddhist monk. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If some people have the belief or view that the Dalai Lama has some miracle power, that’s totally nonsense. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If some people have the belief or view that the Dalai Lama has some miracle power, that’s totally nonsense. I am just one human being. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Dalai Lama once said that ‘My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.’ This is a great thought! Humanity has never seen and will never see any religion better than this! Seek no religion other than the religion of kindness! (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The 20th century was the century of war and blood. The 21st century is the century of dialogue. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If the mind is dominated by hatred, the best part of the brain, which is used to judge right and wrong, does not function properly. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
It is crucial that we realize the great value of human existence, the opportunity and the potential that our brief lives afford us. It is only as humans that we have the possibility of implementing changes in our lives. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Some consider me as a living Buddha. That’s nonsense. That’s silly. That’s wrong. If they consider me a simple Buddhist monk, however, that’s probably okay. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Firstly, as a Buddhist monk, I hold that violence is not good. Secondly, I am a firm believer in the Gandian ethic of passive resistance. And thirdly, in reality, violence is not our strength. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I just want to live as a simple Buddhist monk, but during the last thirty years I have made many friends around the world and I want to have close contact with these people. I want to contribute to harmony and peace of mind, for less conflict. Wherever the possibililty is, I’m ready. This is my life’s goal. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I think the self-burning itself on practice of non-violence. These people, you see, they easily use bomb explosive, more casualty people. But they didn’t do that. Only sacrifice their own life. So this also is part of practice of non-violence. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The two most important things to remember in business are: to be aware of the consequential impact on ecology, and a caring relationship between employer and employee. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If a person’s basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Developing concern for others, thinking of them as part of us, brings self-confidence , reduces our sense of suspicion and mistrust, and enables us to develop a calm mind. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
A mind that is characterized by unrest will not be tranquil even in the presence of great calm (Dalai Lama Quotes)
An affectionate disposition not only makes the mind more peaceful and calm, but it affects our body in a positive way too. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If an individual has a calm state of mind, that person’s attitudes and views will be calm and tranquil even in the presence of great agitation. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The purpose of our life needs to be positive. We weren’t born with the purpose of causing trouble, harming others. For our life to be of value, I think we must develop basic good human qualities - warmth, kindness, compassion. Then our life becomes meaningful and more peaceful - happier. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Through training there is knowledge. You can produce compassion, love, forgiveness. you can change yourself. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
All good qualities must be sown and cultivated. We can’t expect to change overnight from an ordinary person into one with high realizations. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Some scientists believe climate change is the cause of unprecedented melting of the North Pole, and that effects these very uncertain weather patterns. I think we should listen to those scientists and experts. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I think really, China, Chinese, I think they really have a long history of civilization, rich culture. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I must have dialogue with the Chinese government, and dialogue requires compromise. Therefore, I’m speaking for genuine self-rule, not for independence. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Self-rule means that China must stop its intensive effort to colonize Tibet with Chinese settlers and must allow Tibetans to hold responsible positions in the government of Tibet. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
I only escaped from Tibet because I feared my people would resort to desperate violence if the Chinese took me as their prisoner. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life. (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Gandhi or Bishop Tutu or the Dalai Lama. I think they’re really embodiments of what we aspire to and, by keeping them in our heads, we’re reminding ourselves of who we could be. That’s what we’re hoping to climb up towards. (Dalai Lama Quotes)