Dalai Lama Quotes

Text Quotes
The creatures that inhabit this earth - be they human beings or animals - are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world (Dalai Lama Quotes)
It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Dangerous consequences will follow when politicians and rulers forget moral principles. Whether we believe in God or karma, ethics is the foundation of every religion (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival (Dalai Lama Quotes)
We need to learn how to want what we have NOT to have what we want in order to get steady and stable Happiness (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The topic of compassion is not at all religious business; it is important to know it is human business, it is a question of human survival (Dalai Lama Quotes)
From the scientific view, the theory of karma may be a metaphysical assumption - but it is no more so than the assumption that all of life is material and originated out of pure chance (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If I am only happy for myself, many fewer chances for happiness. If I am happy when good things happen to other people, billions more chances to be happy! (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Despite all philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Unless the direction of science is guided by a consciously ethical motivation, especially compassion, its effects may fail to bring benefit. They may indeed cause great harm (Dalai Lama Quotes)
What we do and think in our own lives, then, becomes of extreme importance as it effects everything we're connected to (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we cannot turn the clock back and try again. All we can do is use the present well (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The world has also learned that economic growth, by itself, cannot close the gap between rich and poor (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The foundation of the Buddha's teachings lies in compassion, and the reason for practicing the teachings is to wipe out the persistence of ego, the number one enemy of compassion (Dalai Lama Quotes)
As long as the sky exists and as long as there are sentient beings, may I remain to help relieve them of all their pain (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Because of the interdependent nature of everything, we cannot hope to solve the multifarious problems with a one sided or self-centered attitude (Dalai Lama Quotes)
To train the mind, you must exercise the patience and determination it takes to shape that steel (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Both these people illustrate the essential point that happiness is determined more by one's state of mind than by external events (Dalai Lama Quotes)
This tendency seems to support H. L. Mencken's definition of a wealthy man: one whose income is $100 a year higher than his wife's sister's husband (Dalai Lama Quotes)
In accepting that suffering is a part of your daily existence, you could begin by examining the factors that normally give rise of feelings of discontent and mental unhappiness (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Our attitude towards suffering becomes very important because it can affect how we cope with suffering when it arises (Dalai Lama Quotes)
In general, if we carefully examine any given situation in a very unbiased and honest way, we will realize that to a large extent we are also responsible for the unfolding of events (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Everybody wants a happy life and a peaceful mind, but we have to produce peace of mind through our own practice (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Ultimately humanity is one, and this small planet is our only home. If we're to protect this home of ours, each of us needs to experience a vivid sense of universal altruism and compassion (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving kindness (Dalai Lama Quotes)
When someone whom I have helped, or in whom I hav placed grt hope harms me wid grt injustice. May I see tht one as sacred friend!! (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Do not try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist; use it to be a better whatever you already are (Dalai Lama Quotes)
According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles stem from attachment to things that we mistakenly see as permanent (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If at the beginning and end of our lives we depend upon the kindness of others, why in the middle of our lives should we not act kindly toward them? It is the pragmatic choice (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Historically, the East was more concerned with understanding the mind and the West was more involved in understanding matter (Dalai Lama Quotes)