Dalai Lama Quotes

Text Quotes
The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual’s own reason and critical analysis (Dalai Lama Quotes)
When, from the depths of your heart, you spontaneously wish all beings to find true, lasting happiness, this is great love (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Cultivating inner discipline is something that takes time; expecting rapid results is simply a sign of impatience (Dalai Lama Quotes)
You can develop the right attitude toward others if you have kindness, love and respect for them, and a clear realization of the oneness of all human beings (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If you lose your temper, your sound sleep will go, and you will have to use a tranquilizer or sleeping pills? Then gradually, more white hair, wrinkles (Dalai Lama Quotes)
When we are young and again when we are old, we depend heavily on the affection of others. Between these stages we usually feel that we can do everything without help from others and that other people’s affection is simply not important. But at this stage I think it is very important to keep deep human affection (Dalai Lama Quotes)
We need to teach people that the environment has a direct bearing on our own benefit (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The more we take the welfare of others to heart and work for their benefit, the more benefit we derive for ourselves. This is a fact that we can see (Dalai Lama Quotes)
We must recognize that all beings want the same thing we want. This is the way to achieve a true understanding, unfettered by artificial consideration (Dalai Lama Quotes)
For discovering one’s true inner nature, I think one should try to take out some time, with quiet and relaxation, to think more inwardly and to investigate the inner world. That may help (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Since form is emptiness and emptiness is form, then instead of a hand grasping at nothing, it is better to grasp at someone’s nose because this is closer to reality (Dalai Lama Quotes)
When the only bond between close friends is attachment, then even a minor issue may cause one’s projections to change. As soon as our projections change, the attachment disappears, because that attachment was based solely on projection and expectation. It is possible to have compassion without attachment, and similarly, to have anger without hatred (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Unless we possess high spiritual qualifications, there is no doubt that the events life throws upon us will give rise to frustration, emotional turmoil, and other distorted states of consciousness. These imperfect states of mind in turn give rise to imperfect activities, and the seeds of suffering are ever planted in a steady flow (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Do not think only of your own joy, but vow to save all beings from suffering. This is sharing in its highest form and purity beyond all poisons of this world (Dalai Lama Quotes)
The question of world peace, the question of family peace, the question of peace between wife and husband, or peace between parents and children, everything is dependent on that feeling of love and warmheartedness (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If you practice in accord with your individual capacity, little by little you will find more pleasure and joy in it. As you gain inner strength, your positive actions will gain in profundity and scope (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If your life becomes only a medium of production, then many of the good human values and characteristics will be lost (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If you’re looking for work and have a choice of a job, choose a job that allows the opportunity for some creativity, and for spending time with your family. Even if it means less pay (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Just as rust, which arose from the iron itself, wears out the iron, likewise, performing an action without examination would destroy us by projecting us into a negative state of existence (Dalai Lama Quotes)
All human beings have an innate desire to overcome suffering, to find happiness. Training the mind to think differently, through meditation, is one important way to avoid suffering and be happy (Dalai Lama Quotes)
In our daily life a certain way of thinking makes us happy, and a certain way of thinking makes us unhappy. In other words, there are certain states of mind which bring us problems, and they can be removed (Dalai Lama Quotes)
A great rock is not disturbed by the wind; the mind of a wise man is not disturbed by either honor or abuse (Dalai Lama Quotes)
One who is caught in thought loses one’s original nature. All he knows are words and descriptions. When he sees the actual thing, he fails to perceive it (Dalai Lama Quotes)
A human being isn’t meant to be some kind of machine designed only for production. No. Human life isn’t just for work (Dalai Lama Quotes)
There are so many things I could say about you but none of them can describe you fully. You are the beauty I was waiting for. The love of my life of whom I dreamed day and night (Dalai Lama Quotes)
If you want to change the world, first try to improve and bring about change within yourself. That will help change your family. From there it just gets bigger and bigger. Everything we do has some effect, some impact (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Once a positive goal is chosen, you should decide to pursue it all the way to the end. Even if it is not realized, at least there will be no regret (Dalai Lama Quotes)
It is very wrong for people to feel deeply sad when they lose some money, yet when they waste the precious moments of their lives they do not have the slightest feeling of repentance (Dalai Lama Quotes)
Hardship, in forcing us to exercise greater patience and forbearance in daily life, actually makes us stronger and more robust. From the daily experience of hardship comes a greater capacity to accept difficulties without losing our sense of inner calm. Of course, I do not advocate seeking out hardship as a way of life, but merely wish to suggest that, if you relate to it constructively, it can bring greater inner strength and fortitude (Dalai Lama Quotes)