Damage Quotes

Text Quotes
Emotional damage is never easy to measure, but mothers who are alive but psychically absent impose filial burdens which knot their children’s feelings in a way biologic orphans are spared. (Damage Quotes)
Each year, at the typical nuclear reactor in the U.S., there’s a 1 in 74,176 chance of an earthquake strong enough to cause damage to the reactor’s core, which could expose the public to radiation. No tsunami required. (Damage Quotes)
Like for Putin it’s really about hosting this two-week [Olympic] party and showing it off to the world.It’s a pride thing. It’s a big PR exercise for him and for Russia. So, at that point $50 billion and some environmental damage and a small city’s future don’t really matter. (Damage Quotes)
To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I’m interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one. (Damage Quotes)
I think it makes people in the Pentagon kind of nervous to know that chemical agents and environmental factors could cause so much damage in terms of what may happen in the future. (Damage Quotes)
Toxins love to get you while you’re young. Lead, mercury, secondhand smoke and sundry other environmental nasties do a lot more damage when tissue is immature, vulnerable and growing than when it’s mature and comparatively fixed. (Damage Quotes)
The same mentality that leads to environmental despoliation, environmental destruction, also leads to damage to people. (Damage Quotes)
Environmental damage such as graffiti, fly-posting and general littering is a menace that is becoming all too prevalent, not just in inner cities but in many communities - urban and rural. (Damage Quotes)
It’s a truism that denials never quite catch up with charges. Honest journalists who may have mistakenly printed false information know that the most prominent retraction never quite undoes the damage done by the original publication. (Damage Quotes)
Medicines are unusual commodities. Important drugs can save the lives and protect the health of millions. Their consumption can bring huge benefits, by helping patients to avoid infection and preventing serious damage to the economies of families, nations and even humanity at large. (Damage Quotes)
Most damage that others do us is out of fear, humiliation and pain. Those feelings occur in all of us, not just in those of us who profess a certain religious or racial devotion. (Damage Quotes)
What is acted out on the female body parallels the larger practices of domination, fragmentation, and conquest against the earth body, which is being polluted, strip-mined, deforested, and cut up into parcels of private property. Equally, this pattern points to the fragmentation of the psyche, which ultimately underlies and enables all of this damage. (Damage Quotes)
Chaga is the most powerful cancer-fighting herb known and fights all kinds of radiation damage to healthy tissue. (Damage Quotes)
The process of finding the right doctor for you is excruciatingly painful, sometimes causing more damage than what you started with, but the feeling of finding the right one is priceless. (Damage Quotes)
Achieving true sobriety goes beyond abstinence. it’s also about healing your soul, apologizing for damage you did to other, and seeking forgiveness. (Damage Quotes)
When a young non-white male is stopped and searched at the whim of a police officer, his idea of personal space, privacy and self esteem are shattered, to say nothing of his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment protections. The damage goes deep quickly and stays. Stop and frisk, as well as a tactic, is also an incitement. (Damage Quotes)
The bee collects honey from flowers in such a way as to do the least damage or destruction to them, and he leaves them whole, undamaged and fresh, just as he found them. (Damage Quotes)
Nuclear weapons continue to occupy a unique place in global security affairs. No other weapons, in my opinion, anyway, match their potential for prompt and long-term damage and their strategic impact. (Damage Quotes)
The key thing in management is goal setting. In medicine, goal-based approach is particularly important. Management should be aimed at minimizing health damage and, with a high degree of correlation, at reducing mortality (Damage Quotes)
We could have a political movement going if it had been properly organized but the Monarchy’s done itself enormous damage possibly beyond the point of long-term recovery. (Damage Quotes)
I’m obsessed with coffee. My doctor says if I don’t cut back, I am going to permanently damage my esophagus. No joke. (Damage Quotes)
An effective speaker can do more damage or more good in a well-stated minute than an angry klutz could do in half an hour. (Damage Quotes)
Liberals want to manage the damage with government programs to take care of those who have fallen between the cracks. Populists want to fix the cracks so that people don’t fall in the first place. (Damage Quotes)
I think having toured the world and seeing many places, I’ve just been blown away by how we’ve really scarred our home. I’m as guilty as the next person if not more so. I travel a lot. The damage we do to our planet is huge. (Damage Quotes)
What a lot of people don’t realise is that damage to hair starts from washing your hair in a rush and not taking all the product out such as leave-in conditioners. So I always make sure that I cleanse my hair properly and get the shampoo and conditioner completely out. (Damage Quotes)
Hardness of heart is a dreadful quality, but it is doubtful whether in the long run it works more damage than softness of head. (Damage Quotes)
Disease and ill health are caused largely by damage at the molecular and cellular level, yet todays surgical tools are too large to deal with that kind of problem. (Damage Quotes)
Over the years I realized the damage fundamentalism did to my own spiritual and mental health. I’ve spend time recovering, studying scripture, sessions with a therapist, twelve step recovery. (Damage Quotes)
But hard bitten cynicism leaves one feeling peevish, and too much of it can do lasting damage to your heart. (Damage Quotes)