Dan Jenkins Quotes
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Text Quotes
I love Twitter (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
The first president I met was L. B. J. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
My aunt got me interested in journalism - she found an old typewriter, had it worked over, put it on the dining room table, gave me a stack of paper and said, ‘Play like you’re a writer.’ (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
First, I thought Twitter was some kind of hybrid car being developed by Government Motors. Then I thought it was a new bite-size snack combining what’s best of the Frito and the Cheeto. Then I found out it was me. On a laptop. At the U.S. Open. Having fun. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Sally Jenkins of the ‘Washington Post’ is the best sports columnist in the country. Second best is Gene Wojciechowski of, and third is Dan Wetzel on Yahoo! (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
The key to any good sports story is identifying the defining moment. In football games or a boxing match, it’s usually pretty obvious. But in golf, sometimes it happens on Thursday. Usually it’s Sunday, but guys who don’t know the game, they can miss it. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
When Ballesteros triumphed at the British Open in 1979, for his first major win, he hit so few fairways off the tee that he was often mistaken for a gallery marshall. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
The greatly anticipated 2009 Masters was like going to a Broadway hit and finding out that the star, Sir Tiger Woods, was off that night, and his replacement was the cab driver who dropped you off at the theater. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
At times, my very own media makes me cringe, and occasionally out loud. By the way, nothing clears the head like an out-loud cringe. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
I can only tell you that eggs, country ham, biscuits, a pot of coffee, a morning paper, a table by the window overlooking the veranda and putting green, listening to the idle chitchat of competitors, authors, wits and philosophers, hasn’t exactly been a torturous way to begin each day at the Masters all these years. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
My favorite sport, frankly, is college football. I’m a college football junkie, even though I’m associated with golf and like golf and have played it all my life. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Being a club pro and all, a guy trying to keep up with golf’s modern technology, I hadn’t found much time for Internet dating, but then one day I knew I’d met the girl of my dreams when she replied to a comment I’d made on She said, ‘I love it when you talk equipment to me.’ (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Presidents are nice people. They’re nice, fun-loving people who have great jobs. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Of course, Dwight D. Eisenhower gets credit for doing more for golf than any other White House resident, a mid- to high-handicapper though he was. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
There’s usually one piece in ‘Vanity Fair’ every month that grabs me, but when it presents hatchet jobs without substantiation to impress its liberal friends, I laugh first, then toss. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Until Sammy Baugh - pro football in Texas was a one-paragraph story on the third page of the Monday sports section. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
CEOs are worried they’re going to get fired any minute. They’re worried about their portfolios. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
I haven’t looked for a golf ball since mulligans were free, which was a law I passed in 1995 (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
You must remind yourself at all times that the golf ball is nothing. It’s an object. It’s something to be swatted and sometimes lost and not even looked for. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Locker rooms and grill rooms are still the best places to find out things you don’t know - at the Masters or any other golf tournament. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Tiger Woods was a month away from 34 years of age when his debutantes began turning up in the news. He was a grown man with a wife and two children. Well, we supposed he had a wife, but that was before we learned she was only an ornament. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
You can’t have a U.S. Open anymore without an extra course to store all the hospitality tents. I used to be able to drive up to the clubhouse and park like the players. Now, there are seven corporate hospitality guys who have my spot, and I’m on a bus. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
High school golf, college golf and the decade that followed all come back to me now as one big raucous, goofy gangsome. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
It must be the PGA Championship if it’s August and you can sit down and talk to the heat or reach inside your shirt, where it’s 110 degrees, and grab handfuls of humidity. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
I don’t suppose anybody’s ever enjoyed being who they are more than Arnold’s enjoyed being Arnold Palmer. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
If you’re a friend or a relative of George Herbert Walker Bush, Prez 41, or George W. Bush, Prez 43, or any other Bushes, then you know an 18-hole round of golf shouldn’t take more than three hours out of your day - there are other important things to do. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Vijay Singh won a playoff in 2004 at Whistling Straits after a final-round 76, which was the highest last round by the winner of any major since 1938, when Reg Whitcombe won the British Open with a 78 in a storm that blew down the exhibition tent at Sandwich. (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
I just come from a school where you have to win something to be accepted (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Part of the charm of basketball lies in the fact that it’s a simple game to understand. Players race up and down a fairly small area indoors and stuff the ball into a ring with Madonna’s dress hanging on it (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
Much of the fire with him [Ben Hogan] was lit by Byron Nelson, who came from the same town - the same caddie yard - and achieved fame and fortune several years ahead of Ben and who, as a kid, had always been popular and better liked than Ben. No puzzle at all (Dan Jenkins Quotes)
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