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Dancing Quotes

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I believe it’s extremely important to include some other type of fitness activity in your training, so cross training will help you to avoid injury when you are dancing  (Dancing Quotes) I have suffered more from my bad dancing than from all the misfortunes and miseries of my life put together  (Dancing Quotes) Dancing is very important nowadays. No girl will look at you if you can’t dance  (Dancing Quotes) All dancing is now is standing in place and letting the devil of the music enter you  (Dancing Quotes) When I was five I was touring, singing and dancing. Always gone, always out of school  (Dancing Quotes) Paintings must be understood through the eyes, and that’s not the word either. No writing, no talking, no singing, no dancing will explain them. They are the final, the nth whoopee of sight  (Dancing Quotes) You go to the ballet and you see girls dancing on their tiptoes. Why don’t they just get taller girls?  (Dancing Quotes) Timing and pace are important in any film, whether it be comedy or drama. And how better to learn the fundamentals of these show show business ingredients than by dancing?  (Dancing Quotes) Married to the game. If we’re dancing with the devil at least teach us how to dance when the son of making dollars  (Dancing Quotes) I’ve been trained in dancing and I used to be quite good, though I am a bit rusty right now. But I could probably brush up in a couple of months  (Dancing Quotes) I can never stand in one place on stage for more than a minute and am always singing, dancing and jumping  (Dancing Quotes) When dancing is right, the movement possesss a logic common to us all, an inevitability that takes it beyond the personal and egocentric and makes of it classical art  (Dancing Quotes) I felt myself no longer a husk but a body with some of the body’s sweet juices stirring again. I had my first dream in many months, confused but to this day imperishable, with a flute in it somewhere, and a wild goose, and a dancing girl  (Dancing Quotes) You’d never catch me dancing on tables in public. I have no desire to be known for my personal life  (Dancing Quotes) I never did anything for free. Other than dancing in clubs. I give that away for nothing  (Dancing Quotes) Dancing is not one of my talents. But when you’ve had a few drinks anyone is a good dancer, right?  (Dancing Quotes) We look on those approaching the banks of a river all must cross, with ten times the interest they excited when dancing in the meadow  (Dancing Quotes) We don’t often talk about the fact that writing is all about rhythm. When you get too up in your head, you can lose a lot of your writing. Sometimes what a writer really needs to do is go dancing  (Dancing Quotes) As unnatural as dancing is, you have to find a natural way to do the unnatural  (Dancing Quotes) Many people are shy when it comes to getting out on a dance floor. Dancing is an activity that... reveals your inner self, whether you like it, or know it, or not. It is hard to fake it on a dance floor  (Dancing Quotes) All the arts, music, the visual arts, acting and dancing arts, cooking arts, and I believe sports, will save the human race because they can leap over barriers, religions, leap over barriers of race, politics  (Dancing Quotes) I was not awesome at dancing. For a ballerina, I probably started too late. Plus I enjoyed entertaining people too much  (Dancing Quotes) I’ve been performing since I came out of the womb. I’ve been dancing and singing since I was a toddler. Acting seemed like a natural progression from that  (Dancing Quotes) I actually like pole dancing! It gives you so much confidence. I never thought I’d do it, but now I’m really into it  (Dancing Quotes) Going to dancing school, or being in a play, is a very familial feeling. You’re around friends  (Dancing Quotes) I love dancing, but I’m not that good of a singer. I sang in punk rock bands in high school and college and stuff, but that mostly involved lots of screaming  (Dancing Quotes) Dancing in high heels is kind of tough. I learn the dances without the heels, and then we add them. We just practice, and I get used to it. My feet hurt really badly at the end of the shows, but it’s fun. While it’s happening it’s fun. I feel tall  (Dancing Quotes) I was a professional fighter for a while, and I trained in martial arts for seven years, so I think that kind of helped form a base for me as far as dancing  (Dancing Quotes) You can have a knack for dancing, but you still have to practice till your feet are bleeding to be worthy of being in front of an audience  (Dancing Quotes) I wanted to be a professional dancer for a period of time, and I did a lot of dancing and choreography and got paid for it  (Dancing Quotes)
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