Dancing Quotes
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I love dancing in general and making girls dance. My generation doesn’t do it enough. (Dancing Quotes)
There’s a great club in London called The Secret Sundays, and it’s on a Sunday afternoon and it’s outdoors, and it’s mainly Italians that go, and they all look great, and they’re dancing on the tables, and life’s a party, and they’re totally into the music, going mental, and that’s when dance music is really fantastic, I think. (Dancing Quotes)
I’ve been dancing since I was seven, but I never really developed a regimen until I was on Broadway and responsible for a professional performance every night. (Dancing Quotes)
With dancing, so much is about sexuality and sensuality and without life experience it becomes much more of a performance, rather than a living, breathing entity from the soul. (Dancing Quotes)
Throughout my childhood, I did a form of Irish dancing that was kind of the precursor to ‘Riverdance.’ It was a mixture of ballet and Irish dancing that my teacher, Patricia Mulholland, had invented, essentially. It was Irish ballet, and she would create performances based around the myths and legends of Ireland. (Dancing Quotes)
I spend at least a couple hours a day in the studio, every day, whether I’m dancing or not (Dancing Quotes)
Dancing is my therapy. I also try to meditate every morning and take several two-hour yoga classes a week at my favorite yoga studio, Urban Flow. (Dancing Quotes)
With ‘Dance Moms’ in L.A., we film on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. When we film in Pittsburgh, we film the same days, but we still dance in our studio when we’re not filming, so I’m dancing every day except Sunday. (Dancing Quotes)
I have a sister who is a dancer and dance teacher. We grew up dancing together. I wanted to become a ballerina when I was a kid, so she and I were always at ballet conservatories and going to school with our hair in buns. (Dancing Quotes)
My dance teacher will show me pictures of girls who are rhythmic gymnasts, and they are super skinny. But I don’t want to be too skinny. I think that looks a little gross when you are dancing. You don’t want to be a scrawny, bony thing. (Dancing Quotes)
My first mentor and inspiration was my Irish Dancing teacher Patricia Mulholland. She created her own form of dance known as Irish ballet and created stage productions of old Irish myths and legends. They were my first experiences on stage. She told my mum I was destined for the stage, and I took that as my cue. (Dancing Quotes)
No matter what I try to do or explore, my Kirov training, my expertise, and my background call me to return to dancing after all, because that’s my real vocation, and I have to serve it. (Dancing Quotes)
In fact, I wasn’t going to dance in Xanadu, but several journalists told me that Olivia Newton-John kept saying how sad she was that she wouldn’t get the chance to dance with me. So I finally said, All right, throw in a number. But I’m through with dancing. (Dancing Quotes)
Dancing With the Stars’ really opened a lot of doors for me, and I’m so grateful for that (Dancing Quotes)
I was out dancing with one actress or another. And that got press. Even when it didn’t, the whole town knew I was a dancing fool, and since I couldn’t very well dance with a man, they saw me dancing with a lady, and they assumed the rest. (Dancing Quotes)
I’m ready to go anywhere, I’m ready for to fade, into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way. (Dancing Quotes)
Where do you wanna belong? I half whispered. His expression changed with quicksilver speed, amusement dancing in his eyes. Anywhere they don’t want me. -Hardy Cateses and Liberty Jones (Dancing Quotes)
At my wedding, I was dancing so furiously that I fell hard on my kneecaps. The next morning, my knees were so swollen that I had to get a wheelchair at the airport to go on my honeymoon. (Dancing Quotes)
If I do find myself walking up the aisle and dancing at my own wedding reception, I want the first dance to be both spontaneous and dramatic. (Dancing Quotes)
I realize that dancers have worked long and hard for standards. However, on occasion, I think that it’s good to examine one’s heart and ask why are we dancing. (Dancing Quotes)
I just want to continue to pursue dancing. I want to focus on making it out there and showing everybody my heart and soul through dance... and do it until I can’t walk anymore. (Dancing Quotes)
Let your heart dance with pen and paperNow fill the paper with dancing letters (Dancing Quotes)
When your heart is dancing with love, you are with God, and that is your love (Dancing Quotes)
One should never go dancing with a broken foot, but one should with a broken heart (Dancing Quotes)
The key to finding your mission lies in listening to your heart and dancing to its beat (Dancing Quotes)
Oh my love, it’s you that I dream of Oh my love, since that day Somewhere in my heart I’m always Dancing with you in the summer rain (Dancing Quotes)
Growing up in Jamaica, the Pentecostal church wasn’t that fiery thing you might think. It was very British, very proper. Hymns. No dancing. Very quiet. Very fundamental. (Dancing Quotes)
What in heaven’s name is strange about a grandmother dancing nude? I’ll bet lots of grandmothers do it. (Dancing Quotes)
Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet. (Dancing Quotes)
Sun lighting a child’s hair. A friend’s embrace. Slow dancing in a safe and quiet place. The pleasures of an ordinary life. (Dancing Quotes)