Daniel Gilbert Quotes
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Text Quotes
Arthritic toothless people who love orgasms are more likely to reproduce than are limber, toothy people who do not (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Our inability to recall how we really felt is why our wealth of experiences turns out to be poverty of riches (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Our brain accepts what the eyes see and our eye looks for whatever our brain wants (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
If someone offered you a pill that would make you permanently happy, you would be well advised to run fast and run far. Emotion is a compass that tells us what to do, and a compass that perpetually stuck on north is worthless (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
If you are like most people, then like most people, you don’t know you’re like most people (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
The word happiness is used to indicate at least three related things, which we might roughly call emotional happiness, moral happiness, and judgmental happiness (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Happiness refers to feelings, virtue refers to actions, and those actions can cause those feelings. But not necessarily and not exclusively (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Because your brain uses information from the areas around the blind spot to make a reasonable guess about what the blind spot would see if only it weren’t blind, and then your brain fills in the scene with this information. That’s right, it invents things, creates things, makes stuff up! It doesn’t consult you about this, doesn’t seek your approval. It just makes its best guess about the nature of the missing information and proceeds to fill in the scene (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
The good news is that going blind is not going to make you as unhappy as you think it will. The bad news is that winning the lottery will not make you as happy as you expect (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Few of us can accurately gauge how we will feel tomorrow or next week. That’s why when you go to the supermarket on an empty stomach, you’ll buy too much, and if you shop after a big meal, you’ll buy too little (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
What’s so curious about human beings is that we can look deeply into the future, foresee disaster, and still do nothing in the present to stop it. The majority of people on this planet, they’re overwhelmed with concerns about their immediate well being (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Why isn’t it fun to watch a videotape of last night’s football game even when we don’t know who won? Because the fact that the game has already been played precludes the possibility that our cheering will somehow penetrate the television, travel through the cable system, find its way to the stadium, and influence the trajectory of the ball as it hurtles toward the goalposts! (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
In short, we derive support for our preferred conclusions by listening to the words that we put in the mouths of people who have already been preselected for their willingness to say what we want to hear (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
People want to be happy, and all the other things they want are typically meant to be a means to that end (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
We treat our future selves as though they were our children, spending most of the hours of most of our days constructing tomorrows that we hope will make them happy (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Perceptions are portraits, not photographs, and their form reveals the artist’s hand every bit as much as it reflects the things portrayed (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Hateful, blasphemous, prejudiced, vulgar, rude, or ignorant remarks are the music of a free society, and the relentless patter of idiots is how we know we’re in one. When all the words in our public conversation are fair, good, and true, it’s time to make a run for the fence (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
We humans can look deep into future and predict what will happen, but then turn around and do nothing about it (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
Humans react to danger when it is immediate, immoral, visible... Global warming does not press any of those buttons (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
My friends tell me that I have a tendency to point out problems without offering solutions, but they never tell me what I should do about it (Daniel Gilbert Quotes)
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