Daniel H Wilson Quotes
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Text Quotes
Sometimes a technology is so awe-inspiring that the imagination runs away with it - often far, far away from reality. Robots are like that. A lot of big and ultimately unfulfilled promises were made in robotics early on, based on preliminary successes (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Memories fade but words hang around forever (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
A mechanic is just an engineer in blue jeans (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
It is not enough to live together in peace, with one race on its knees (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
... humanity learns true lessons only in cataclysm (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
You don’t pick your revolution. It picks you (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
If the knowledge is spread, it cannot be stamped out (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
We are all expressions of our own minds, projected onto the world (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Robots should stand up for themselves and not try to be humans. They should either utterly destroy us or protect us from aliens. And vampires. And pirates (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
If popular culture has taught us anything, it is that someday mankind must face and destroy the growing robot menace (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
You want to know what a robot’s designed for. And if it’s doing something outside the scope of what it’s made to do, you should be very suspicious (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Across the sea of space lies an infinite emptiness. I can feel it, suffocating me. It is without meaning. But each life creates its own reality (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
A soul isn’t given for free. The races of men fight each other to the death for the honor of being recognized as human beings, with souls (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
When a man resists sin on human motive only, he will not hold out long (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Zombies, vampires, Frankenstein’s monster, robots, Wolfman - all of this stuff was really popular in the 50s. Robots are the only one of those make-believe monsters that have become real. They are really in our lives in a meaningful way. That’s pretty fascinating to me (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Luckily, unreasonable expectations go hand in hand with naive young scientists. The more naive the better - otherwise we would never have the audacity to try and build a 22,000-mile-high space elevator or some sprawling underwater hotel (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
It’s hard to guess how smart the machines are, but a good rule of thumb is that they’re always smarter than you think (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Right now, we have the most complex relationship with technology that we’ve ever had. Your regular person has more technology in their life now than the whole world had 100 years ago (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
As a kid I wanted to write science fiction, and I was never without a book. Later I really got into being a scientist and never thought I’d be writing novels (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Change creates fear, and technology creates change. Sadly, most people don’t behave very well when they are afraid (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
People need meaning as much as they need air. Lucky for us, we can give meaning to each other for free. Just by being alive (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
To survive, humans will work together. Accept each other. For a moment, we are all equal. Backs against the wall, human beings are at their finest (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Humans are inscrutable. Infinitely unpredictable. This is what makes them dangerous (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Without us here to witness, the universe is just pointless physics unfolding (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
There are no truer choices than those made in crisis, choices made without judgment (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
The true knowledge is not in the things, but in finding the connections between the things (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
You don’t want to stand too close to a robot arm; it can turn your head to mush (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
Personally, I’m not afraid of a robot uprising. The benefits far outweigh the threats (Daniel H Wilson Quotes)
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