Daniel Levitin Quotes

Text Quotes
We really are living in an age of information overload. Google estimates that there are 300 exabytes (300 followed by 18 zeros) of human-made information in the world today. Only four years ago there were just 30 exabytes. We’ve created more information in the past few years than in all of human history before us (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Although I don’t know Paul McCartney, a mutual friend told me that Paul was reading my book, This Is Your Brain on Music, and stopped after chapter two. McCartney said he was concerned that if he learned more about how he does what he does (as far as composing music), he may not be able to do it anymore! (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Ten thousand hours is equivalent to roughly three hours a day, or 20 hours a week, of practice over 10 years... No one has yet found a case in which true world-class expertise was accomplished in less time. It seems that it takes the brain this long to assimilate all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Another possibility is that evolution selected creativity in general as a marker of sexual fitness (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Our bodies like rhythm and our brains like melody and harmony (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
The processing capacity of the conscious mind has been estimated at 120 bits per second (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Americans spend more money on music than on sex or prescription drugs (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
In order to understand one person speaking to us, we need to process 60 bits of information per second (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
When a language advances and adds a third term to its lexicon for color, the third term is always red (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
No other species lives with regret over past events, or makes deliberate plans for future ones (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
The most fundamental principle of the organized mind, the one most critical to keeping us from forgetting or losing things, is to shift the burden of organizing from our brains to the external world (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Librarians are more important than ever before... are uniquely qualified to help all of us separate the digital wheat from the chaff, to help us understand the reliability of the data we encounter (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
The mammalian brain evolved exquisite place memory because that was essential for survival. This is why squirrels have such a good memory for where they buried their nuts (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
The amount of scientific information we’ve discovered in the last twenty years is more than all the discoveries up to that point, from the beginning of language (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
No one alive today has a single ancestor in his or her past who died in infancy. We are the champions, my friend! (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
What makes a set of lines and colors into art is the relationship between this line and that one; the way one color or form echoes another in a different part of the canvas (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
Similarly, dance is not just a raging sea of unrelated bodily movements; the relationship of those movements to one another is what creates integrity and integrality, a coherence and cohesion that the higher levels of our brain process (Daniel Levitin Quotes)
The power of art is that it can connect us to one another, and to larger truths about what it means to be alive and what it means to be human (Daniel Levitin Quotes)