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Danielle Quotes

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Your saving grace, danielle, is that you make the rest of your kind look vaguely human  (Danielle Quotes) I was born in Belgium on 6 November 1932. I am married to Mira Nikomarow and have five children: Michele, Anne, Georges, from a first marriage with Esther Dujardin, and Sarah, Helene from a second one with Danielle Vindal  (Danielle Quotes) I’ve loved Danielle Spencer since 1989 - that’s never going to change - and that’s one of those things where I stare at her and go, ‘How did it fail?’ I still can’t work it out, because my feelings for her have never changed.  (Danielle Quotes) If I’m going out on the town in New York, I always wear Danielle Collins T-shirts - they are expressive, young: independent woman in charge of herself, her body, and her mind.  (Danielle Quotes)