Dark Quotes

Text Quotes
In Dark Places, May we Never be truly Alone.....~Susan Schroder, Circle the Sun books (Dark Quotes)
The dark grave, which knows all secrets, can alone reclaim the fatal doubt once cast on a woman’s name. (Dark Quotes)
My sleep wasn’t peaceful, though. I have the sense of emerging from a world of dark, haunted places where I traveled alone. (Dark Quotes)
Tongues wrangled dark at a man. He buttoned his overcoat and stood alone. In a snowstorm, red hollyberries, thoughts, he stood alone. (Dark Quotes)
Man, I hate to get depressing on you, but I don’t have a game. I’m so alone, so depressed, so dark, no. (Dark Quotes)
Midway in our life’s journey, I went astray from the straight road and woke to find myself alone in a dark wood. (Dark Quotes)
Censorship does not interfere with the constitutional rights of every American to sit alone in a dark room in the nude and cuss. (Dark Quotes)
Why do we fear the dark as unavoidable defeat when it alone is constant, and we’d starve if it stopped watering the lawn of dreams. (Dark Quotes)
An American, a Negro... two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. (Dark Quotes)
When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of the dark. I would stand at my door, turn the light off and dive into bed. One night, as I did that, there was this gigantic spider next to my pillow. I hit the bed and bounced straight back up When I turned the light back on, it was already gone. I could not sleep in my room for days. (Dark Quotes)
It would be amazing to play Sylvia Plath. She was so dark, and what came out of her writing was troubled and fierce. The dimensions, levels, layers and levels would be incredible to take on. (Dark Quotes)
American Horror Story’ is dark, so you shouldn’t be expecting too much happiness (Dark Quotes)
I became exclusively an American League fan when they instituted the DH rule, and will remain so until the National League moves out of the dark ages. (Dark Quotes)
I get a lot of dark scripts now. I don’t wanna be stuck doing movies like American Pie. For someone my age, once you get started doing them, it’s hard to get out. (Dark Quotes)
I see your bleeding dark side. I feel your angry heart. Reveals forbidden places. More monster yet alive (Dark Quotes)
I walk these lonely streets at dark. Just me and the night; crowded head, empty heart. (Dark Quotes)
Slice a pear and you will find that its flesh is incandescent white. It glows with inner light. Those who carry a knife and a pear are never afraid of the dark. (Dark Quotes)
No one is in charge of this process, this is what makes history so interesting, it’s a runaway freight train on a dark and stormy night. (Dark Quotes)
Well, I’m an uncle now ... don’t know if I’m a good one. My nephew asked me the difference between a hamster and a gerbil and I told him I thought there was more dark meat on a gerbil. (Dark Quotes)
Strangers used to gather together at the cinema and sit together in the dark, like Ancient Greeks participating in the mysteries, dreaming the same dream in unison. (Dark Quotes)
He challenge is finding the modern conduit for the audience, having fun and really looking at the duality of this particular character, that is both devil and angel, and on the cusp of losing control of the pagan background, to this newfangled religion called Christianity. There’s a great backdrop there, and just a whole dark side with the magic. (Dark Quotes)
As was the case in Requiem for a Dream, Pollock, A Beautiful Mind, House of Sand and Fog, The Hulk and Dark Water, Jennifer Connelly’s mere presence in a film guarantees that things will turn out badly for the male lead, as Connelly is always cast as the Angel of Death. Fun to hang out with, great eyes, amazing eyebrows, but the Angel of Death. (Dark Quotes)
Her unusual dark hair and sultry eyes made her stand out--- Anne Boleyn was Tudor England’s Angelina Jolie amid a sea of Reese Witherspoons. (Dark Quotes)
I use the music to vent, and a lot of the stuff that I am writing about or was writing about contained a lot of anger and anxiety, stress and depression, so that’s how the album came out so dark. (Dark Quotes)
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. (Dark Quotes)
There’s a reason why anger, fear, and hatred are paths to the dark side: they all spring from a single source - the same source as a certain flavor of love. A dangerously sweet, addictive flavor. (Dark Quotes)
Jude was good. But he let his fear and jealousy get to him. Daniel shrugged. ‘Fear leads toanger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side. (Dark Quotes)
The projector’s beam lay warm on Walt’s neck, and he knew they’d all been plucked from danger and love, from another time, another place, and set back into this dark, sticky-floored theater, in the heart of nothing much that mattered. (Dark Quotes)
However, one new theory says that dark matter may be ordinary matter in a parallel universe. If a galaxy is hovering above in another dimension, we would not be able to see it. It would be invisible, yet we would feel its gravity. Hence, it might explain dark matter. (Dark Quotes)
I’ve got a deep dark suspicion that pretty soon we should start looking around for another planet for ourselves. (Dark Quotes)