Date Quotes

Text Quotes
I grew up as a very sarcastic person. I was always the class clown, and to date girls, I had to be really funny. I was really skinny growing up. I was so thin, I had to run around in the shower to get wet. That kind of thin. So I always had to rely on humor and sarcasm. (Date Quotes)
Class clowns are never allowed to date anybody decent, but you don’t get beaten up, you’re invited to parties, and everybody likes you. (Date Quotes)
Be optimistic. Always put on clean underwear if you’re going on a date. (Date Quotes)
Well, I have a sister that I’m very close with, and that relationship is probably the most intense relationship of my life to date, probably of my life, period. (Date Quotes)
I knew immediately that this was not going to work out. Hunter is the kind of guy who dates women who wear high heels and a cocktail dress on a first date. I can’t even walk in heels, and I generally believe that someone has to earn the right to see my legs. (Date Quotes)
Horrible date all through high school and college. Here’s an impression of me on a date in high school. Come on, chug it! (Date Quotes)
The reports of racial episodes are disturbing. But the players’ protest is exhilarating because it is the most high-profile example to date in a continuing revolution in which the athletes who drive the multibillion-dollar college sports machine have begun to use their visibility to demand change. (Date Quotes)
If you thought it was impossible for a film to contain less effective comedy than Date Movie , here’s evidence to the contrary. (Date Quotes)
A first date should be elegant. In comfortable surroundings. A place with excellent food, where you can talk easily and get to know each other. (Date Quotes)
When I come around people, I’m up to date on everything. I know all the new music that’s coming out, all the stuff that ain’t came out yet. (Date Quotes)
But if you look at WorldCom, which is the biggest failure to date, they grew dramatically, they were buying companies that were bigger than they were and they were doing it off inflated stock. (Date Quotes)
To me, if you’re trying to impress a girl, get a date, they’re gonna like that more because you’re a confident guy. That’s what it comes down to. (Date Quotes)
Commercials are so contemporary and up to date that when you’re involved in that visual world, you can’t really go backwards. (Date Quotes)
My niece was very much caught up in the vampire craze for young adults, and she thought having a vampire boyfriend would be a cool thing. What do you do on a first date? The more I thought about it, the more fun I had imagining what you’d serve a vampire for dinner. (Date Quotes)
Respect is more valuable then the amount of times guys flirt with you.It’s better to have one trustworthy real man then any amount of boys interested in you. The cool guys may not notice or date you but the right one will marry you. (Date Quotes)
Some years I’m the coolest thing that ever happened, and then the next year everyone’s so over me, and I’m just so past my sell date. (Date Quotes)
People can have so many ill-conceived ideas about me based on the parts that I play. I’ve had guys, when I’ve been single, come out of the woodwork to date me and I’ve found out very quickly that they were expecting some kind of whirlwind, some dramatic crazy person - and that’s just not me. (Date Quotes)
I think what it really is, is that I date creative people. And I think that what intimidates them is not my purse; it’s my mind. (Date Quotes)
When you see that 76 percent of teachers are female, I think you have to acknowledge that there’s a cultural bias, and it does date back to this nineteenth century idea that teaching is a form of mothering. (Date Quotes)
I like a man who can come out and say he’s nervous on the first date. I think that would be really cute. (Date Quotes)
Valentines Day is being marketed as a Date Movie. I think its more of a First-Date Movie. If your date likes it, do not date that person again. And if you like it, there may not be a second date. (Date Quotes)
For some reason, Horror movies, they seem like good date movies. When you go to them it’s all high school kids, all over each other, running up and down the isles, no one is even looking at the screen anyways, they figure they don’t have to pay attention to the story anyways. We scream and yell... it’s like mayhem. (Date Quotes)
Watching a movie for the first time is a flirt. Rewatching it, is a date. (Date Quotes)
I’m a real low profile guy. So a date night for me is kind of curled up at home and watching something... have a nice glass of wine, a nice meal and we’re all set. (Date Quotes)
We have a family calendar and it’s how everybody runs. In truth, there’s no trick to balancing it. If you look at the calendar and you’ve seen you’ve gone 10 days without a date night, you know you need to prioritize more. (Date Quotes)
When I need a break, a date night with my husband or a night out with girlfriends always does the trick. (Date Quotes)
My wife and I have our date nights. We love the Showtime shows like ‘Shameless,’ ‘Homeland’ and ‘House of Lies.’ And of course, ‘Scandal’ is high on the list; you’ve got to do ‘Scandal.’ (Date Quotes)
We have stay-in date nights where we make a plan to watch certain TV shows together. ‘Survivor,’ for example, is our favorite show. And I make a healthy dinner and we sit down and it’s our date. I love it. (Date Quotes)
Our life before moving to Washington was filled with simple joys ... Saturdays at soccer games, Sundays at grandma’s house ... and a date night for Barack and me was either dinner or a movie, because as an exhausted mom, I couldn’t stay awake for both. (Date Quotes)
In high school, my prom date fooled around with another guy - on prom night! (Date Quotes)