Dates Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe that at least 70 percent of parenting goes to the mother. In our house, I’m the one who knows about all the school stuff, helps with the homework, organizes the play dates, and remembers the birthday parties. (Dates Quotes)
Have I got a black book? Yes, it’s called a mobile phone. I do get offers. There is no shortage of people if you want to go on dates - working in TV, living in L.A., it is there if you want it. (Dates Quotes)
I’ve been dating a lot. I’ve met some very interesting people, and I’ve had some horrible blind dates. (Dates Quotes)
I had always liked blind dates. If nothing else, it was an interesting way of discovering what people thought of you. (Dates Quotes)
My friends are trying to get me to go out on blind dates. Big ‘NO’ to that because all my friends are a bunch of lying geeks. They’re always like, ‘Brian, you’re really gonna dig this girl. She’s got Traci Lords’ eyes, Michelle Pfeiffer’s nose, Kim Basinger’s lips.’ Yeah, they always forget to tell me she’s also got Charlie Brown’s head. (Dates Quotes)
Blind dates are treacherous. You don’t know who this person is. You wonder, ‘Should I call my grandma during coffee to get out of this?’ (Dates Quotes)
My belief that the publishing industry is run by prigs and cowards dates back to many years before I even had the idea for the book. (Dates Quotes)
If I go on dates, my mom is always with me. She’s always there making sure I’m all right. Like if I go to see a movie with a boy, she’ll go to dinner next door. (Dates Quotes)
The habit of breaking up one’s colour to make it brilliant dates from further back than Impressionism - Couture advocates it in a little book called ‘Causeries d’Atelier’ written about 1860 - it is part of the technique of Impressionism but used for quite a different reason. (Dates Quotes)
Five days a week, I read my goals before I go to sleep and when I wake up. There are 10 goals around health, family and business with expiration dates, and I update them every six months. (Dates Quotes)
My first pictures are from 1972, and my first proper camera dates back to 1973. During the first year I used my father’s camera. It had a flash on it, which I don’t like, but I didn’t know anything about photography back then, so it was just what I did. (Dates Quotes)
I still get nervous on dates. I’ll be sitting at dinner with a guy and I have to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because I can’t breathe. (Dates Quotes)
About 10,000 people a day go on first dates from Match... We’re trying to celebrate that, bring those success stories to the forefront and make it even easier in our product to meet up at Starbucks. (Dates Quotes)
I like romantic dates - going on a long walk in Central Park and then taking the subway downtown and going out to eat and ordering oysters. After that, you walk around again and talk. (Dates Quotes)
My buddy Tom... he’d been chasing a girl for two years, and he got her the old-fashioned way - dates and listening. (Dates Quotes)
My own experience with trains dates to long-ago childhood trips with my family in Mississippi to see my grandmother off at the station in Jackson, bound for Memphis. (Dates Quotes)
In real life I do a lot of reconnaissance and then kind of choose the guy I’m going to go after. Not like stalking, but I just want a little background info. That might be why I haven’t had many bad dates. (Dates Quotes)
I always like to sing barefoot, but when I first started doing these dates with the symphonies, I of course thought I should clean up my act, being a Jewish girl from Long Island with a little bit of a trucker mouth. So I wore a gown and some high heels. (Dates Quotes)
The idea of close encounters of the zero’th kind - which is to say, not a close encounter at all, but simply uncovering evidence that someone’s out there - dates back to the Victorian era. (Dates Quotes)
I knew immediately that this was not going to work out. Hunter is the kind of guy who dates women who wear high heels and a cocktail dress on a first date. I can’t even walk in heels, and I generally believe that someone has to earn the right to see my legs. (Dates Quotes)
I was a sophomore in college, and I did an industrial video about how to use the Internet - that dates me! It was with John Turturro, somehow they had gotten John Turturro to do this thing, and I was so excited and so nervous I probably drank 10 cups of coffee that morning. (Dates Quotes)
There are singular moments in history, dates that divide all that goes before from all that comes after. (Dates Quotes)
I’m the kind of guy who, I need a watch that tells me what day it is. I need to know it’s Friday on my watch. I need to look at it and go, ‘Friday today.’ Tomorrow I will not know it’s Saturday until I look at my watch. My watchband broke, I was crippled. I have no concept of time, I have no concept of dates. (Dates Quotes)
I can count the number of dates I’ve had on one hand. I wish that guys would approach me, but they don’t. (Dates Quotes)
Most of my dates had consisted of some guy trying to sweet-talk me while I silently prayed for an asteroid to crash into whatever diner we were at. (Dates Quotes)
With dates I like to cater a girl. We do whatever she likes. If she was open to what I wanted to do, it probably wouldn’t be a dull date, because I am a jock. (Dates Quotes)
I would never say that I’m good at being on dates. I think I like to try to find a connection with somebody, like, that’s my main thing. I think that maybe if you find a connection with a girl on a date, that’s like the No. 1 thing, and then it’s like, ‘Cool, that was a great date.’ (Dates Quotes)
I have laughter dates with myself, where I find comics on YouTube and watch them. Louis C.K. was my first laughter date a couple years ago. I’ll also watch those videos of people doing idiotic things. That cracks me up. (Dates Quotes)
I’m a serial dater. When I see someone I like, we go on multiple dates. (Dates Quotes)
It’s never been difficult for me to say no. I have never given excuses like I don’t have dates. I have never over-quoted to avoid a project. I simply say that while the script might be good, I can’t connect with it. My strategy is that while I wouldn’t want anyone to waste my time, I shouldn’t be doing that, either, with others. (Dates Quotes)