Dating Quotes

Text Quotes
Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury. (Dating Quotes)
That’s the awful thing about dating. Tight underwear. We would all like to be in a big bra and pants and when you are in a secure relationship you can do that. (Dating Quotes)
Dating meant nightclubs, heels, and black. It meant, No, thank you. Really, I’m full. It meant matching bras and underwear. Clothes with the word MICRO used to describe them. (Dating Quotes)
I’ve been dating a lot. I’ve met some very interesting people, and I’ve had some horrible blind dates. (Dating Quotes)
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man will probably end up dating the best looking blind chick. (Dating Quotes)
The very phrase ‘Oscar night’ used to accelerate my pulse. For one thing - dating myself - it meant Bob Hope. He always had good, strong jokes, that faultless delivery, and always a new joke about his own films’ failure - once again - to be honored. (Dating Quotes)
The earliest example known to me of replaced body parts is exemplified by a Mayan skull dating back to 1400 BC. In this skull, false teeth made of stone had been implanted. (Dating Quotes)
I don’t talk about who I’m dating because when you break up, you wind up reliving it in the media. (Dating Quotes)
I just thank God my husband and I found each other before the advent of social media. I can’t imagine dating someone and seeing what they’re doing on their Facebook page. And people breaking up with each other over texts now? We had to break up with each other face to face back then. (Dating Quotes)
It’s weird to have people so interested in your personal life. It’s a part of the business that grosses me out. I’m always bummed out for people who just happen to be dating a celebrity, and they’re also famous, and they can’t live their life. (Dating Quotes)
As and when I get into a relationship, I’ll flaunt her to the world. I’m looking for a soul mate, and in any case, I’m not very much for casual dating. I’m such a simple guy away from this dating-shating business. (Dating Quotes)
Dating now is a lot like going shopping when you don’t have any money. Even if you find the right thing, you can’t do anything about it. (Dating Quotes)
My sister got lucky, married a yuppie, and took him for all he was worth. Now she’s a swinger dating a singer, I can’t decide which is worse. (Dating Quotes)
My work involves online dating, but I believe almost every behavior exhibited online has an offline corollary. Really, the medium doesn’t change human nature. (Dating Quotes)
You ever see ‘The Dating Game’? That’s a weird game show. The prize on that show: another contestant. Talk about cheap. (Dating Quotes)
Years later I would hear my father say the divorce had left him dating his children. That still meant picking us up every Sunday for a matinee and, if he had the money, an early dinner somewhere. (Dating Quotes)
Even though many couples are choosing to marry later in life, our laws haven’t been updated to address dating partner abuse. (Dating Quotes)
I’m friends with a lot of my exes, but it took time. We didn’t just get into it. I don’t think you can be friends until you’re cool with them dating someone else. That’s when you know. (Dating Quotes)
You men deserve whatever rabbit-boiling scenario dating crazy women gets you (Dating Quotes)
One thing matters more than anything else for a dating product, and that is the quantity and quality of the people who use the product. It’s really freaking hard to get critical mass. (Dating Quotes)
I had a few dating disasters along the way with girls cheating on me. One girl was the inspiration for me singing ‘Cry Me A River’ on ‘The X Factor.’ That was my payback to her because she was unfaithful. (Dating Quotes)
Like many of you, I’ve always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series ‘Dark Shadows,’ which I followed avidly as a kid. (Dating Quotes)
I don’t really talk about my personal life. It’s a strange and funny and weird thing. Sometimes you have a conversation with someone and the paparazzi snaps a picture of you and people decide you’re dating. If I try to answer everything people say, I would be up all night. (Dating Quotes)
If you’re a good Amish girl, you’re courting, you have three or four different beaus, and you go out and stay out all night. That’s just their tradition. They date under the covering of night. No one knows who they’re dating or seeing until two weeks before they’re going to be married. It’s how they’ve done it for 300 years. (Dating Quotes)
I think feminism’s a bit misinterpreted. It was about casting off all gender roles. There’s nothing wrong with a man holding a door open for a girl. But we sort of threw away all the rules, so everybody’s confused. And dating becomes a sloppy, uncomfortable, unpleasant thing. (Dating Quotes)
Being a club pro and all, a guy trying to keep up with golf’s modern technology, I hadn’t found much time for Internet dating, but then one day I knew I’d met the girl of my dreams when she replied to a comment I’d made on She said, ‘I love it when you talk equipment to me.’ (Dating Quotes)
I’m doin’ something different. I mean, I talk a little bit about race and interracial dating, but it’s not the heart of my act. I just try to do what I think is funny; there’s no huge message or through line. (Dating Quotes)
The problem with dating a model is they won’t go out with you if your cars color doesn’t match their outfit. (Dating Quotes)
Mum left school at 15, and after a few years of modelling and dating jazz musicians, was married by 21 to my father, Mike Taylor, a journalist on the ‘Daily Mirror.’ They had my brother and me pretty quickly and had split up by the time I was two. I don’t really have any memories of them as a couple. (Dating Quotes)
The only thing worse than dating a single mom is dating a single mom that won’t put out (Dating Quotes)