David Harsanyi Quotes

Text Quotes
You don’t have to get things done all the time to be productive (David Harsanyi Quotes)
It’s difficult for democracy to function properly under the most favorable circumstances, but it has no chance at all when millions of voters are divorced from objective reality and incapable of understanding what is going on in Washington. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Biblical movies need not sermonize, just be honest to the foundational story. As powerful as the message is for people of faith, it’s really great storytelling. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
I don’t think that voters should be fixated on public policy. In a healthy republic, they wouldn’t have to worry every waking hour about what their government is doing. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Now, I do not, on any level, possess the expertise to argue about the science of anthropological global warming. Nor do you, most likely. This certainly doesn’t mean an average citizen has the duty to do the lock step. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
The crusade to convince us that global warming can only be dealt with by wealth destruction and higher energy prices began with an effort to ‘raise awareness,’ which turned into some delicate nanny-state prodding before efforts to artificially inflate prices. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Political correctness is one of the engines of nannyism. Allowing and even encouraging ‘offensive’ ideas is vital for the intellectually health of a free society. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
If progressives were interested in mitigating inequality, they would support the dynamism of free markets to allow the merit of ideas, products and services to win the day rather than stifle companies and pick winners in the name of imagined ‘progress.’ (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Democracy allows rhetoric, false empathy and emotion to pummel rational thinking - so it’s no wonder so many politicians thrive in it. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Every decade or so, Hollywood has an epiphany. It turns out faith-based audiences enjoy going to the movies, too. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
The deepest mystery of Twitter is why celebrities and elected officials take part. After all, we all know they can’t write their own lines. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Few things trigger fear and misconception more than economic tribulation, and nothing prompts elected officials to react with more simplistic populism. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Zero-tolerance on drinking and driving - meaning no drinking at all before driving - is a collective punishment that, in essence, only affects responsible adults who follow the law. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
You will notice that the Occupy Wall Street crowds - and the progressives who support them - focus on bringing the wealthy down to earth rather than lifting the 99 percent. They have a nearly religious belief that too much wealth is fundamentally immoral and unhealthy for society. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
A cultural shift is not always an ideological one - or at least not always the one you imagine. Our norms are always evolving. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Progressivism is the belief that we have too much freedom with which to make too many stupid choices. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
The Bible is filled with intriguing stories about complex and flawed human beings who ponder immense moral questions and engage in colossal clashes with evil. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Now, admittedly, Twitter can be entertaining on occasion, as it turns out that 140 characters offers a great chance to be misunderstood - and an even greater chance one will expose his inner troglodyte. (David Harsanyi Quotes)
As with most people, my ideology and my attitudes about life were informed by parents and family (David Harsanyi Quotes)
The Founding Fathers worried that some common impulse of passion might lead many to subvert the rights of the few. Its a rational fear, one that is played out endlessly (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Twitter’s popularity and usefulness are mysteries to me (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Political correctness is one of the engines of nannyism. Allowing and even encouraging offensive ideas is vital for the intellectually health of a free society (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Are you sick and tired of these moralizing moralizers imposing their morality on the rest of us? I know I am (David Harsanyi Quotes)
Aside from the occasional genocide, oppression, evil and torture, etc., it is inarguable that public policy could be implemented more rapidly in an autocracy (David Harsanyi Quotes)
A true fascist is anyone who wants to take away my air conditioning or force me to ride a bike (David Harsanyi Quotes)