David Lloyd George Quotes
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Text Quotes
You cannot feed the hungry on statistics (David Lloyd George Quotes)
We have murder by the throat! (David Lloyd George Quotes)
This war, like the next war, is a war to end war (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Liberty has restraints but not frontiers (David Lloyd George Quotes)
You get to know more of the character of a man in a round of golf than in six months of political experience (David Lloyd George Quotes)
We are muddled into war (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Four specters haunt the poor - old age, accident, sickness and unemployment (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Independent thinking is not encouraged in a professional Army. It is a form of mutiny. Obedience is the supreme virtue (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The home front is always underrated by Generals in the field. And yet that is where the Great War was won and lost. The Russian, Bulgarian, Austrian and German home fronts fell to pieces before their armies collapsed (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The League of Nations is the greatest humbug in history. They cannot even protect a little nation like Armenia. They do nothing but pass useless resolutions (David Lloyd George Quotes)
[Lloyd George] said that Harding ‘s speech on American naval aspirations made him feel that he would pawn his shirt rather than allow America to dominate the seas. If this was to be the outcome of the League of Nations propaganda, he was sorry for the world and in particular for America (David Lloyd George Quotes)
By thetest of our faith thehighest standard ofcivilization is the readiness to sacrifice for others. (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Explain to me again the difference between superstitious beliefs or pagan incantations, and scientific ones. Be braver - you cannot cross a chasm in two small jumps. (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Lucidity of speech is unquestionably one of the surest tests of mental precision...In my experience a confused talker is never a clear thinker. (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The most dangerous thing in the world is to try to leap a chasm in two jumps (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Death is the most convenient time to tax rich people (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Diplomats were invented simply to waste time (David Lloyd George Quotes)
He has sat on the fence so long that the iron has entered his soul (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Liberty has restraints but no frontiers (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The doctors are always changing their opinions. They always have some new fad (David Lloyd George Quotes)
You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The government are behaving like a bevy of maiden aunts who have fallen among buccaneers (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Wild men, screaming through the keyholes (David Lloyd George Quotes)
A body of 500 men chosen at random from amongst the unemployed (David Lloyd George Quotes)
Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps (David Lloyd George Quotes)
If you listen to the neverdo’s, it’s never done (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The world is becoming like a lunatic asylum run by lunatics (David Lloyd George Quotes)
If you want to succeed in politics you must keep your conscience firmly under control (David Lloyd George Quotes)
If you want to understand a subject promise to speak on it (David Lloyd George Quotes)
The finest eloquence is that which gets things done (David Lloyd George Quotes)
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