David Ricardo Quotes
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Text Quotes
Like all other contracts, wages should be left to the fair and free competition of themarket, and should never be controlled by the interference of the legislature. (David Ricardo Quotes)
If English money was of the same value then as before, hamburgh money must have risen in value. But where is the proof of this? (David Ricardo Quotes)
But a tax on luxuries would no other effect than to raise their price. It would fall wholly on the consumer, and could neither increase wages nor lower profits (David Ricardo Quotes)
But it is clear that the price of labour has no necessary connection with the price of food, since it depends entirely on the supply of labourers compared with the demand (David Ricardo Quotes)
But a rise in the wages of labour would not equally affect commodities produced with machinery quickly consumed, and commodities produced with machinery slowly consumed (David Ricardo Quotes)
There can be no rise in the value of labour without a fall of profits (David Ricardo Quotes)
Nothing contributes so much to the prosperity and happiness of a country as high profits (David Ricardo Quotes)
Called an inquiry into the laws which determine the division of the produce (David Ricardo Quotes)
There is no way of keeping profits up but by keeping wages down (David Ricardo Quotes)
Every transaction in commerce is an independent transaction (David Ricardo Quotes)
The farmer and manufacturer can no more live without profit than the labourer without wages (David Ricardo Quotes)
Money is neither a material to work upon nor a tool to work with (David Ricardo Quotes)
The exchangeable value of all commodities rises as the difficulties of their production increase (David Ricardo Quotes)
In stating the principles which regulate exchangeable value and price, we should carefully distinguish between those variations which belong to the commodity itself, and those which are occasioned by a variation in the medium in which value is estimated, or price expressed (David Ricardo Quotes)
The interest of the landlord is always opposed to the interests of every other class in the community (David Ricardo Quotes)
Gold and silver are no doubt subject to fluctuations, from the discovery of new and more abundant mines; but such discoveries are rare, and their effects, though powerful, are limited to periods of comparatively short duration (David Ricardo Quotes)
If a commodity were in no way useful, in other words, if it could in no way contribute to our gratification, it would be destitute of exchangeable value, however scarce it might be, or whatever quantity of labour might be necessary to procure it (David Ricardo Quotes)
If the demand for home commodities should be diminished, because of the fall of rent on the part of the landlords, it will be increased in a far greater degree by the increased opulence of the commercial classes (David Ricardo Quotes)
To alter the money value of commodities, by altering the value of money, and yet to raise the same money amount by taxes, is then undoubtedly to increase the burthens of society (David Ricardo Quotes)
It has been my endeavour to show in this work that a fall of wages would have no other effect than to raise profits (David Ricardo Quotes)
If the quantity of labour realized in commodities, regulate their exchangeable value, every increase of the quantity of labour must augment the value of that commodity on which it is exercised, as every diminution must lower it (David Ricardo Quotes)
If we were left to ourselves, unfettered by legislative enactments, we should gradually withdraw our capital from the cultivation of such lands, and import the produce which is at present raised upon them (David Ricardo Quotes)
In comparing therefore the value of the same commodity, at different periods of time, the consideration of the comparative skill and intensity of labour, required for that particular commodity, needs scarcely to be attended to, as it operates equally at both periods (David Ricardo Quotes)
The wheat bought by a farmer to sow is comparatively a fixed capital to the wheat purchased by a baker to make into loaves (David Ricardo Quotes)
The rise or fall of wages is common to all states of society, whether it be the stationary, the advancing, or the retrograde state (David Ricardo Quotes)
I have already expressed my opinion on this subject in treating of rent, and have now only further to add, that rent is a creation of value, as I understand that word, but not a creation of wealth (David Ricardo Quotes)
Whether a bank lent one million, ten million, or a hundred millions, they would not permanently alter the market rate of interest; they would alter only the value of the money they issued (David Ricardo Quotes)
Whenever the current of money is forcibly stopped, and when money is prevented from settling at its just level, there are no limits to the possible variations of the exchange (David Ricardo Quotes)
Whenever, then, the usual and ordinary rate of the profits of agricultural stock, and all the outgoings belonging to the cultivation of land, are together equal to the value of the whole produce, there can be no rent (David Ricardo Quotes)
Sufficiently rich to satisfy all my desires and the reasonable desires of all those about me (David Ricardo Quotes)
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