David Wolfe Quotes

Text Quotes
I love hanging out with people who make me forget to look at my phone (David Wolfe Quotes)
Until further notice, celebrate everything (David Wolfe Quotes)
You have to be very careful with who you do business. It’s like a marriage. Do your research and check references. (David Wolfe Quotes)
UNIX is a user-friendly operating system. It just picks its friends more carefully than others. (David Wolfe Quotes)
True beauty comes from the inside out. It emerges from proper thinking, as well as proper nutrition and exercise (David Wolfe Quotes)
Thoughts are things. Everything you do or think is a cause set in motion. Every thought sent forth is a never-ending vibration spiraling its way across the universe and returning to us what we have sent with interest (David Wolfe Quotes)
Being on the road and doing events is like getting kids ready for school for most families (David Wolfe Quotes)
Live events and lectures in front of large audiences. It is the best. I like it more than eating dinner. (David Wolfe Quotes)
Cacao is rich in happy phenethylamine chemicals called PEA. These compounds have been associated with feeling good and falling in love. (David Wolfe Quotes)
Chaga is the most powerful cancer-fighting herb known and fights all kinds of radiation damage to healthy tissue. (David Wolfe Quotes)
Food is the most important influence on your health. It is even more important than your thoughts and emotions. (David Wolfe Quotes)
Every organism exists as a vehicle for the ennoblement of water into consciousness (David Wolfe Quotes)
The solutions are here. They have always been here. Food does matter! (David Wolfe Quotes)
This is the only planet with chocolate, so we’ve got to save it (David Wolfe Quotes)
The most successful people in life have the best information (David Wolfe Quotes)
Beautify your thoughts. Thoughts are the headwaters of action, life and manifestation (David Wolfe Quotes)
The skin is a true symbol of our health because it’s the last place to get nutrition and if you can drive all those nutrients all the way through to the skin then you know it’s gotten everywhere else too and that’s something that we all recognise (David Wolfe Quotes)
Look for foods that create beauty from the inside out. Instead of coating yourself in chemical laden beauty products, why not try to get healthy skin from the foods you eat (David Wolfe Quotes)
The world we think we see is only a view, a collective description of the world that we create through our belief systems. Accepting this fact seems to be one of the most empowering things one can do (David Wolfe Quotes)
The cosmetic industry seems to be a wholesale dumping ground for just about every single type of chemical that exists (David Wolfe Quotes)
Being empowered with the knowledge that you are the creator of your own reality, is the best way to accelerate healing and learning (David Wolfe Quotes)
We are eating too much of the wrong thing, and not enough of the right thing (David Wolfe Quotes)
My goal is to make everybody skilled enough to be able to be their own doctor, their own nutritionist. Because all of us intrinsically have that inside of us (David Wolfe Quotes)
The calcium theory has probably done more to damage our health than any single theory in the history of humanity (David Wolfe Quotes)
Food is exacting. The face is truly a canvas upon which our food choices paint an accurate picture. The body is truly a sculpture, chiseled and polished by our food choices (David Wolfe Quotes)
It is your own habits of thinking which give you mastery in any field of achievement (David Wolfe Quotes)
Paradise is a state of consciousness. All you have to do is purify yourself and you automatically arrive (David Wolfe Quotes)
To be loved, we have to love ourselves. Only when we love ourselves do we have enough love to give away. By giving love we then receive love (David Wolfe Quotes)
Calcification is the hardening of body tissues by calcium salts or deposits. Although calcification itself is not considered a disease, it has been shown to be a significant contributing factor in nearly every known illness and aging condition, including heart disease, kidney stones, gallstones, chronic inflammation, arthritis, cancers, cataracts, eczema, psoriasis, and even wrinkles (David Wolfe Quotes)
This is an an abundant universe. Grasp your birthright. Success is a massive abundance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health (David Wolfe Quotes)