Day Off Quotes

Text Quotes
Pajamas all day (Day Off Quotes)
Today is a lazy day. Just relax (Day Off Quotes)
Spend a day doing nothing (Day Off Quotes)
I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be (Day Off Quotes)
Oh, Sunday (Day Off Quotes)
Better days are coming. They're called Saturday and Sunday (Day Off Quotes)
Don't take life so seriously. It's not like you're going to get out alive (Day Off Quotes)
One day offices will be a thing of the past (Day Off Quotes)
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with (Day Off Quotes)
Today has been cancelled. Go back to bed (Day Off Quotes)
I did absolutely nothing all day, and it was everything I thought it would be (Day Off Quotes)
Nothing to do All day to do it (Day Off Quotes)
Today I refuse to stress myself out about things I cannot control or change (Day Off Quotes)
Oversleep this weekend (Day Off Quotes)
Sunday.. time to relax (Day Off Quotes)
Relax it’s Sunday (Day Off Quotes)
Lazy sunday (Day Off Quotes)
Sundays should come with a pause button (Day Off Quotes)
Shhhhh I’m busy doing Sunday (Day Off Quotes)
When I have a day off, I will have a day off (Day Off Quotes)
Having Monday off is a great opportunity to hate Tuesday (Day Off Quotes)
How can there be so much difference between a day off and an off day (Day Off Quotes)
Start the day off right by giving thanks to God (Day Off Quotes)
If I have a day off I will play golf (Day Off Quotes)
I need the day off from work to go protest unemployment (Day Off Quotes)
Nothing like a massive breakfast to start the day off right (Day Off Quotes)
The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off (Day Off Quotes)
Dad, what's a day off? I don't know son, we're farmers (Day Off Quotes)
My only day off is the day I pitch (Day Off Quotes)
Sometimes I just wish I had a day off. I really need to clean my room (Day Off Quotes)