Days Quotes

Text Quotes
When you are subjected to this light, depending on how strong the dose is, you will have two or three days in which you can make tremendous changes within your self, in the structure of your being (Days Quotes)
After two or three days, the door will close and you will not be able to make those changes as easily (Days Quotes)
It is of the small joys and little pleasures that the greatest of our days are built (Days Quotes)
We are challenged these days, but not changed; convicted, but not converted. We hear, but do not; and thereby we deceive ourselves (Days Quotes)
In other days people chose a church on the basis of their doctrinal convictions. Now, lacking doctrinal convictions, they choose for social reasons (Days Quotes)
A lot of people live much more simply than in the old days. That doesn’t bother me. Keeping busy is the problem. Television guest shot fees are going down. You can do a dozen guest shots a year, but you’re not making that much money (Days Quotes)
I love to go into the studio on days when I’m not even doing anything. It’s like my senior club. Some people go to senior centers, well I go to my senior center (Days Quotes)
It’s become fashionable these days to say that the writer writes because he is not whole, he has a wound, he writes to heal it, but who cares if the writer is not whole; of course the writer is not whole, or even particularly well (Days Quotes)
Broadway is like a club I haven’t been invited to, and I’m hoping that maybe they will give me a guest pass one of these days (Days Quotes)
I procrastinate in spades. In my defence, I also try to have all other distractions solved before I can concentrate on writing. My small theory is that to write for three hours, you need to feel like you have three days. To write for three days, you need to feel like you’ve got three weeks, and so on (Days Quotes)
Some people spend their days talking about how cool they areothers spend them doing things that make them cool (Days Quotes)
Certainly, for time out of mind, an obsessive dwelling on happier former days has been synonymous with getting older, while it was the juvenescent who rushed with open arms to embrace the future (Days Quotes)
I’ve had my share of dark days of the soul. I try not to focus on it too much so it doesn’t get to me (Days Quotes)
Work is your life, it’s not a rehearsal. You work 7 days a week so you may as well enjoy those days (Days Quotes)
For states in demographic decline with ever more lavish social programs, the question is a simple one: Can they get real? Can they grow up before they grow old? If not, then they’ll end their days in societies dominated by people with a very different worldview (Days Quotes)
The best ideas will eat at you for days, maybe even weeks, until something, some incident, some impulse, triggers you to finally express them (Days Quotes)
We only need to walk or bike ten percent of the time to make a significant change in society. That is just two days of walking, bicycling or taking transit per month for a typical commuter (Days Quotes)
I do not have easy days at home now and I drift between fear and helplessness in sunny rooms where it is unspeakably cold. Strange shudders of transformation, bodily experienced to the point of vulnerability, visions of mysteries until the certainty of having died, ecstasies to the point of stony petrifaction, and a continuation of dreaming sad dreams (Days Quotes)
A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other (Days Quotes)
My trade is a lonely one. I’m a craftsman, if you like. It so happens that these days singers are better paid than blacksmiths (Days Quotes)
I was never lost in the woods in my whole life, though once I was confused for three days (Days Quotes)
Evolution doesn’t care whether you believe in it or not, no more than gravity does. I want to rekindle excitement over what we’ve achieved as a species with the space program. We can’t afford to regress back to the days of superstition (Days Quotes)
If I don’t practise for one day, I know it; if I don’t practise for two days, the critics knows it; if I don’t practise for three days, the audience knows it (Days Quotes)
Each spine was an encapsulated memory, each book represented hours, days of pleasure, of immersion into words (Days Quotes)
I think the voice is an underrated instrument these days and it’s easy to make up for lack of ability with effects. I think sometimes people are more wowed with effects than core craftsmanship. Strong voices are not as common as they used to be (Days Quotes)
Well mostly in song writing my experience is that there isn’t so much inspiration as hard work. You sit there for hours, days and weeks with a guitar and piano until something good comes (Days Quotes)
It’s like this: The time between having an idea and its public launch is measured in days not months, weeks not years (Days Quotes)
I do have bad hair days. If I fall asleep with it slightly damp, I wake up and it’ll all be piled up on top in a mess (Days Quotes)
I see myself as most people see themselves, you have good days and bad days. I don’t think I’m better looking now than I did three years ago (Days Quotes)
There have been days when I sought respite from my life, only to find myself calling every hour to check on it (Days Quotes)