Days Quotes

Text Quotes
I love the show and a lot of what came out of it, like some of the people I met and got to work with, but those were truly some of the unhappiest days of my life (Days Quotes)
It’s just different today. Nobody seems to last too long these days. I wouldn’t know how to get started today (Days Quotes)
That wasn’t because of money, it was because I had a job for the next two days and wanted to work. So I faked a test. That was over two years ago. why has there been no issue about it since then? (Days Quotes)
I’ve always been interested in the economics of reproduction, who gets what they want when it comes to childbearing and how these days, money is a tremendous advantage (Days Quotes)
Why has everything got to be about feelings these days? In the old days, no one knew what anyone was feeling and, what’s more, they weren’t expected to (Days Quotes)
There’s nothing I’m doing these days that I ever thought I was gonna do (Days Quotes)
In the days of segregation, when blacks were limited to certain neighborhoods, you could look around the black community and identify who the leaders were (Days Quotes)
I never ever believed that I would be able to give up on this dream which has driven me to live, breathe, love and embrace the game of rugby from the earliest days that I can remember (Days Quotes)
These days everything went through the filter of knowing that she might be dying. And not a lot made it through (Days Quotes)
Nothing we did in those days has caused a change. Because of what we did, things remained as they were, rather than getting worse, I told him (Days Quotes)
I can go days without talking to you, months without seeing you, but not a second goes by that I don't think about you (Days Quotes)
There’s nothing like seeing a photo of yourself in happier days speeding toward your face in anger (Days Quotes)
While the fates permit, live happily; life speeds on with hurried step, and with winged days the wheel of the headlong year is turned (Days Quotes)
Allow yourself a moment of grief when life’s misfortunes visit you. However, do not spend your days building a monument in honor of them (Days Quotes)
Tis all a chequer board of nights and days, where destiny with men for pieces plays; hither and thither, and mates, and slays (Days Quotes)
You light up my world, and make me forget all my fears, your laughter brightens up my days, and chases away all my tears (Days Quotes)
It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to graduate and our remaining days waxing nostalgic about our school days (Days Quotes)
By all means, then, let us have psalms and days of dedication anew to the old causes (Days Quotes)
For every day that there is sunshine, there will be days of rain, it’s how we dance within them both that shows our love and pain (Days Quotes)
We took the whole thing far too seriously. After all, those were early days in television (Days Quotes)
Those days if you drove cross country and you broke down on the side of the road, and the sign says 200 miles to the next gas station, you knew you were so screwed (Days Quotes)
Along the road of life are many pleasure resorts, but think not that by tarrying in them you will take more days to the journey. The day of your arrival is already recorded (Days Quotes)
7 per cent haz no rest, nor no religion, it works nights, and Sundays, and even wet days (Days Quotes)
I can’t say as ever I was lost, but I was bewildered once for three days (Days Quotes)
Most days it’s just stumbling around in the dark with the rest of creation, smashing into things and wondering why it hurts (Days Quotes)
We play out our days as we play out cards, taking them as they come, not knowing what they will be, hoping for a lucky card and sometimes getting one, often getting just the wrong one (Days Quotes)
I am always giving advice to young players about how things are, how important it is to work hard every day to reach the glory days (Days Quotes)
Your money saved us for three days. It’s not often that money saves a person’s life (Days Quotes)
Vester: You say you’d rather not talk to liberals at all? Coulter: I think a baseball bat is the most effective way these days (Days Quotes)
I was so glad to get my first boots that for a few days I didn’t take them off. I wore them to school, to visit people, and simply to walk on the street, 2008 (Days Quotes)