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Dead Quotes

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In a hospital they throw you out into the street before you are half cured, but in a nursing home they don’t let you out till you are dead  (Dead Quotes) Another misconception is that if we truly loved someone, we will never finish with our grief, as if continued sorrow is a testimonial to our love. But true love does not need grief to support its truth. Love can last in a healthy and meaningful way, once our grief is dispelled. We can honor our dead more by the quality of our continued living than by our constantly remembering the past  (Dead Quotes) I want my people to stay with me here. All the dead men will come to life again. Their spirits will come to their bodies again. We must wait here in the homes of our fathers and be ready to meet them in the bosom of our mother  (Dead Quotes) It’s important to cultivate detachment. One way to do this is to practice imagining yourself dead, or in the process of dying. If there’s a window, you must imagine your body falling out of that window. If there’s a knife, you must imagine the knife piercing your skin. If there’s a train coming, you must imagine your torso flattened under its wheels. These excercises are necessary to achieving the proper distance  (Dead Quotes) It is not earthly riches which make us or our sons happy; for they must either be lost by us in our lifetime, or be possessed when we are dead, by whom we know not, or perhaps by whom we would not  (Dead Quotes) People don’t really want to know the truth. The truth is that you are all dead in the future, everything that you do has no point, and all of the achievements of the human race are meaningless  (Dead Quotes) Those who have no hope for a future life are already dead for the present one  (Dead Quotes) For enemies carry about slander not in the form in which it took its rise. The scandal of men is everlasting; even then does it survive when you would suppose it to be dead  (Dead Quotes) I can’t bear to finish things, beyond a certain point they get heavy. There’s something so dead about a finished painting  (Dead Quotes) Night, like a giant, fills the church, from pavement to roof, and holds dominion through the silent hours. Pale dawn again comes peeping through the windows: and, giving place to day, sees night withdraw into the vaults, and follows it, and drives it out, and hides among the dead  (Dead Quotes) A painter was asked why, since he made such beautiful figures, which were but dead things, his children were so ugly; to which the painter replied that he made his pictures by day, and his children by night  (Dead Quotes) Nothing is more irritating than not being invited to a party you wouldn’’t be seen dead at  (Dead Quotes) The majority of people who keel over dead at concerts are killed by a long trumpet passage  (Dead Quotes) I sometimes think, with a sad delight, that if one day, in a future I no longer belong to, these sentences, that I write, last with praise, I will at last have the people who understand me, those mine, the true family to be born in and be loved... I will only be understood in effigy, when affection no longer repays the dead the unaffection that was, when living  (Dead Quotes) The eyes of the dead are closed gently; we also have to open gently the eyes of the living  (Dead Quotes) I was a terrible history student. They taught me history as if it were a visit to a wax museum or to the land of the dead. I was over twenty before I discovered that the past was neither quiet nor mute  (Dead Quotes) Human beings were not well served by permanence or stasis. Obviously, if individuals were progressing, they were undergoing a series of presumably desirable alterations, but in a universe where flux is fundamental, it can be argued that even change for the worse is preferable to no change at all. Isn’t fixity the hallmark of the living dead?  (Dead Quotes) Virtue is not a chemical product... it is a historic product, like language and literature; and this means that if we cease to care about it, cease to cultivate it, cease to transmit its funded values, a large part of it will become meaningless, like a dead language to which we have lost the key  (Dead Quotes) My lady’s sparrow is dead, the sparrow which was my lady’s delight  (Dead Quotes) Society, dead or alive, can have no charm without intimacy and no intimacy without an interest in trifles  (Dead Quotes) We all have time to write. We have time to write the minute we are willing to write badly, to chase a dead end, to scribble a few words, to write for the hell of it instead of for the perfect and polished result  (Dead Quotes) A dead end street is a good place to turn around. Can’t really fault the logic of that, unless you want to go down the dead end of course!  (Dead Quotes) Family members have a personal stake in honoring and mourning their dead and objecting to unwarranted public exploitation that, by intruding upon their own grief, tends to degrade the rites and respect they seek to accord to the deceased person who was once their own  (Dead Quotes) Drinking is an art, not a sport. You make it a sport, you’re dead in the water, you lose everything. It’ll kill you, I tell you  (Dead Quotes) I start from something considered dead and arrive at a world. And when I put a title on it, it becomes even more alive  (Dead Quotes) The man without a chin, no stamina, dead man, broken man, whatever. On your way to the top, you always get some criticism. Criticism is a great motivation. Failure is not an option to me  (Dead Quotes) Well, I guess I am about the livest dead man you ever saw; although I was once asked to accept a coffin  (Dead Quotes) It requires courage to face and to conquer the immense weight of inertia and the dead and dying traditions and sophistications that clutter the minds of men and mould them into the mimicry of living ways  (Dead Quotes) I don’t want dead paint, so I test many of my works by studying them in a dark room at twilight or even after dark to check the luminosity. If the darker forms still have resonance and luminosity, I know the painting’s working  (Dead Quotes) This doctrine of baptism for the dead is a great doctrine, one of the most glorious doctrines that was ever revealed to the human family; and there are light, power, glory, honor and immortality in it  (Dead Quotes)
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