Deal Quotes

Text Quotes
Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on Earth which can make them come back again (Deal Quotes)
Obviously one must hold oneself responsible for the evil impulses of one's dreams. In what other way can one deal with them? Unless the content of the dream rightly understood is inspired by alien spirits, it is part of my own being (Deal Quotes)
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen (Deal Quotes)
The game of golf would lose a great deal if croquet mallets and billiard cues were allowed on the putting green (Deal Quotes)
You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you'd experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it (Deal Quotes)
Certain it is that he will steal himself into a man's favor, and for a week escape a great deal of discoveries; but when you find him out, you have him even after (Deal Quotes)
I've always looked the same. Since I was a child, I hated having to deal with my hair. I hated having to change my clothes. As a kid, I had a sailor shirt and the same old corduroy pants, and that's what I wanted to wear everyday (Deal Quotes)
I like to deal with every aspect of our condition, and that means terror and humor in equal mix. Some books have more room for humor than others (Deal Quotes)
As great minds have the faculty of saying a great deal in a few words, so lesser minds have a talent of talking much, and saying nothing (Deal Quotes)
You have an absolute freedom in Mexican writing today in which you don't necessarily have to deal with the Mexican identity. You know why? Because we have an identity. We know who we are. We know what it means to be a Mexican (Deal Quotes)
I open with a clock striking, to beget an awful attention in the audience - it also marks the time, which is four o clock in the morning, and saves a description of the rising sun, and a great deal about gilding the Eastern hemisphere (Deal Quotes)
Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom (Deal Quotes)
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few (Deal Quotes)
It makes a great deal of difference whether one wills not to sin or has not the knowledge to sin (Deal Quotes)
Look what is done cannot be now amended: Men shall deal unadvisedly sometimes, which after hours gives leisure to repent (Deal Quotes)
And then before going back for my sophomore year, I decided to change my major to arts and sciences, and my dad cut a deal with me: He said if I'd quit school he'd pay my rent for the next three years, as if I were in school (Deal Quotes)
The king is come. Deal mildly with his youth; for young hot colts, being raged, do rage the more (Deal Quotes)
There she shook the holy water from her heavenly eyes, and clamor moistened; then away she started to deal with grief alone (Deal Quotes)
When I was teaching in the 1960s in Boston, there was a great deal of hope in the air. Martin Luther King Jr. Was alive, Malcolm X was alive; great, great leaders were emerging from the southern freedom movement (Deal Quotes)
Vinyl is the real deal. I've always felt like, until you buy the vinyl record, you don't really own the album. And it's not just me or a little pet thing or some kind of retro romantic thing from the past. It is still alive (Deal Quotes)
I think we fool ourselves and really negate a great deal of history if we think that the oral history of poetry is shorter than the written history of poetry. It's not true. Poetry has a longer oral tradition than it does written (Deal Quotes)
Because people have no thoughts to deal in, they deal cards, and try and win one another's money. Idiots! (Deal Quotes)
A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards (Deal Quotes)
But you cannot expect every writer to dwell on human suffering. I think my books do deal with grave issues. People who say they are too positive probably haven't read them (Deal Quotes)
Nobody, I think, ought to read poetry, or look at pictures or statues, who cannot find a great deal more in them than the poet or artist has actually expressed. Their highest merit is suggestiveness (Deal Quotes)
Pray, do not mock me. I am a very foolish fond old man, fourscore and upward, not an hour more nor less; and, to deal plainly, I fear I am not in my perfect mind (Deal Quotes)
Mr. Chadband is a large yellow man, with a fat smile, and a general appearance of having a good deal of train oil in his system (Deal Quotes)
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep (Deal Quotes)
A development deal is where they're giving you recording time and money to record, but not promising that they'll put an album out (Deal Quotes)
I believe my publisher has shown a great deal of faith in me over a lot of years but I'm not prepared to be so arrogant to say that the long term literary value of my work would compensate them for a financial failure (Deal Quotes)