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Deal Quotes

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I really need to be alone. I can’t deal with someone sleeping next to me  (Deal Quotes) If the worst thing that can happen is that nobody laughs, then I can deal with that, because the worst thing that can happen at the factory is that I could lose a limb or be crushed by a huge machine  (Deal Quotes) When I first started, it was really an innocent response to the needs of women in rural areas. When we started planting trees to meet their needs, there was nothing beyond that. I did not see all the issues that I have to come to deal with  (Deal Quotes) Closest to the truth are those who deal lightly with it because they know it is inexhaustible  (Deal Quotes) Music conveys moods and images. Even in opera, where plots deal with the structure of destiny, it’s music, not words, that provides power  (Deal Quotes) With respect to drugs, you know, there are a lot of organizations, including an enormous budget and an army at the federal government level that tries to deal with the drug problem  (Deal Quotes) I see my friends, my family, my cousins work all day long for very little money, and if I have this problem of not being able to wall on the streets, it’s not a big deal  (Deal Quotes) A lot of people have to deal with the feeling that their worlds are caving in  (Deal Quotes) Horror movies can be very interesting because they can deal with intangible subjects that are full of emotion  (Deal Quotes) An approximate answer to the right problem is worth a good deal more than an exact answer to an approximate problem  (Deal Quotes) It’s a national concern, I mean how we dispose of nuclear waste in a safe way, how we deal with this incredible amount of nuclear waste we have created over the years  (Deal Quotes) I haven’t done a great deal of it but this was a chance to do more and bring it to that part of the business and even more so, but the fact that it was a black superhero was really the catalyst to me  (Deal Quotes) Being a producer, I deal with a lot of different directors, and some of them would drive me insane with all the different histrionics, and the mystique that they carry  (Deal Quotes) I was lucky I always got along with girls. It was never like a big deal. I had a lot of girls that I was friends with that I wasn’t sexual with. I think having two older sisters made me comfortable like that. I just like people, so I can just go up and say whatever  (Deal Quotes) In a previous life I wrote the software that controlled my physics experiments. That software had to deal with all kinds of possible failures in equipment. That is probably where I learned to rely on multiple safety nets inside and around my systems  (Deal Quotes) A lot of people say they want to get out of pain, and I’m sure that’s true, but they aren’t willing to make healing a high priority. They aren’t willing to look inside to see the source of their pain in order to deal with it  (Deal Quotes) Lets not push it under the rug, or push it to the side because, no matter what, it’s going to keep coming up. You know, if you never deal with that dirt up under the carpet, it’s going to get larger and larger, and it’s going to keep coming up  (Deal Quotes) Playing hockey, there were a lot of guys bigger than me, so I knew I was going to get hit and have to deal with it. Gotta hit back  (Deal Quotes) A little learning is not a dangerous thing to one who does not mistake it for a great deal  (Deal Quotes) I write first for myself as a therapeutic process, to get stuff out and to deal with it  (Deal Quotes) Back when we were first making records, you didn’t just make the music, you put a great deal of energy into the way it looked, and every word that was written on the whole thing  (Deal Quotes) If there’s not love present, it’s much, much harder to function. When there’s love present, it’s easier to deal with life  (Deal Quotes) Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can’t. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin  (Deal Quotes) To be a genuine individualist requires a great deal of strength and courage. It is never easy to chart new territory, to cross new frontiers, or to introduce subtle shadings to an established color  (Deal Quotes) Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made  (Deal Quotes) If you read the stories of the great spiritual teachers of the past, we find that they have attained spiritual realization through a great deal of meditation, solitude and practice. They did not take any shortcuts  (Deal Quotes) History is but the record of the public and official acts of human beings. It is our object, therefore, to humanize our history and deal with people past and present; people who ate and possibly drank; people who were born, flourished and died; not grave tragedians, posing perpetually for their photographs  (Deal Quotes) I was deeply concerned then, and have become more concerned since, that unless we can deal with the questions of development and the questions of poverty, there’s no way that we’re going to have a peaceful world for our children  (Deal Quotes) And it took me about 11 years to get a record deal, and I just had to work around and come to terms with the fact that what I was doing was going to be different, and I just had to wait until somebody was ready to jump on the bandwagon  (Deal Quotes) Child psychology and animal psychology are of relatively slight importance, as compared with the sciences which deal with the corresponding physiological problems of ontogeny and phylogeny  (Deal Quotes)
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