Deal Quotes

Text Quotes
I still have a great deal of faith in our political system and a great deal of faith in the American people and voter. (Deal Quotes)
The American president has to both keep our families safe and make the economy grow in a way that helps everyone, not just those at the top. That`s the job. I have a strategy to combat and defeat ISIS without getting us involved in another ground war. And I have plans to raise incomes and deal with a lot of the problems that keep families up at night. (Deal Quotes)
I’ve never isolated role models based on gender. I have more male role models due to the mere fact that I’ve done business with more of them and they’re leaders within the verticals I work. Of those, Tony Hsieh, CEO of, is an entrepreneur and personal friend that I have a great deal of respect for. (Deal Quotes)
In the early days of aviation, there was a great deal of experimentation and a high death rate (Deal Quotes)
I’m rather relaxed about death. From quite an early age I’ve regarded it as part of the deal, the unwritten guarantee that comes with your birth certificate. (Deal Quotes)
It’s interesting to take a look at people who deal with prejudice on a daily basis - it’s been a real eye opener for me. (Deal Quotes)
I’ve built employee perks programs before and it’s impossible to manually build a program that makes everyone happy. I’d make a deal with one gym then hear about another gym an employee would prefer. As a small business owner, I didn’t have the time or leverage to negotiate and manage dozens of vendor relationships. (Deal Quotes)
I grew up listening to everything, and when I got signed to a record deal out of Nashville, that was my introduction to what was happening in country music. (Deal Quotes)
As an only child lacking siblings and playmates, I was alone a great deal of the time. Much of this was spent reading virtually anything I could get my hands on. (Deal Quotes)
If you have to go through life being unhappy to conform to society around you, that’s not a very good deal. (Deal Quotes)
To the great pharaohs it mattered a great deal to bury their treasures in the pyramids, which they thought they would bring to the other worlds. But obviously it doesn’t matter to them now. They went, the goods stayed. (Deal Quotes)
Ancient wisdom: deal in personal trust; your word is your bond; avoid extremes; treat the money you invest for others as something sacred; don’t take any more perks than you would wish others to take; don’t borrow what you couldn’t suddenly pay back; imagine the worse case financial scenario and expect it very may well happen; the wealthier you become the more humble you should act. (Deal Quotes)
It’s about people who take their frustration out on everyone around them. I never raise my voice. Cutting myself or hurting myself is the way I deal with anger. (Deal Quotes)
I really believe that all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don’t think that’s only reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I think it really exists and is part of the human condition. I think in the course of your life you figure out ways to deal with that. (Deal Quotes)
For a long time I thought I could deal with my anger and hostility on my own. But I couldn’t. I denied that it had affected me, and yet I was so frantic on the inside with other people: I needed to be constantly reassured. (Deal Quotes)
When you could get angry with someone and separate yourself from them, don’t do that. If you have people who are difficult to deal with, be neither attracted nor repulsed. Go a step higher. (Deal Quotes)
I’m very caring with animals. I think patience is a big deal, because animals are always jumping around. I love to take care of people, so I think I’d be a good vet. I always wanted to be a vet when I was little. (Deal Quotes)
Animals have a much better attitude to life and death than we do. They know when their time has come. We are the ones that suffer when they pass, but it’s a healing kind of grief that enables us to deal with other griefs that are not so easy to grab hold of. (Deal Quotes)
I am too easily contented with a slight and almost animal happiness. My happiness is a good deal like that of the woodchucks. (Deal Quotes)
I turned to human suffering because - this may sound odd - animal suffering is more difficult for me to deal with. (Deal Quotes)
I try to develop others. I get a great deal of joy out of helping people who, over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time mentoring - and just trying to get them to another level. (Deal Quotes)
This kind of charge reveals a good deal about the personality of the people who make it; to impute such motives to another man is to imply you’re harboring them yourself. (Deal Quotes)
If I was in a situation where it wasn’t working and I had a choice with another man, I’m gonna assess it like a business deal: who is the better person for me? (Deal Quotes)
Korean children get a lot of fuss made over them, I guess because life was tough in the old country, and it was a big deal if you survived. There’s a big party thrown when you are 100 days old, followed by another when you make it to one whole year. (Deal Quotes)
Pina Bausch’s motto was Dance, otherwise we are lost. She really meant it, that dance was her answer to life and to the troubles and to the problems that can arise. That was her way to deal with everything, to dance. (Deal Quotes)
Stop making me feel good. If you are anti-Semitic, fine. If you don’t like me personally, fine. But deal with me as an individual, not as a Jew. (Deal Quotes)
I don’t really read children’s books or deal with children’s books, so I don’t have any relationship with them other than my own. (Deal Quotes)
My parents are very funny when they have to deal with anything racy or off-color. They usually pretend they don’t speak English. (Deal Quotes)
There are things that change all through your life the way you deal with people, the way you approach problems. (Deal Quotes)
I know there’s a great deal that Arnold Schwarzenegger could teach me about making movies. There’s a great deal I could teach him about the fiscal reforms that are needed - desperately needed - to set California back in good order. (Deal Quotes)