Dear Quotes

Text Quotes
There was a man named Robert Dear who in court said he was a warrior for the babies, whose ex-wife talked about his Christian beliefs motivating his desire to attack and murder three people, including a police officer, in Colorado.That man is a Christian. He`s an avowed Christian. He appears to have acted on those Christian beliefs to undertake that act of violence. (Dear Quotes)
Exceptional estimable, good, nice, dear people they all were but they all, unluckily, kept asking me about the new novel, and that was excrutiating. (Dear Quotes)
All of the secrets the vampires held dear have been exposed, and the humans can now fight back as equals in a way, which is scary. (Dear Quotes)
Dear young people, don’t be afraid to marry. A faithful and fruitful marriage will bring you happiness. (Dear Quotes)
My dear young cousin, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the eons, it’s that you can’t give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it. (Dear Quotes)
You may choose to live in a world of fantasy if you like, my dear, but I am a realist (Dear Quotes)
Running away for fear of death, leaving one’s dear ones, temples or music to take care of themselves, is irreligion; it is cowardice. (Dear Quotes)
The Westwood Cemetery is just a few blocks from my home, and a number of my very dear friends are buried there. (Dear Quotes)
But why have you dear English Jew whose forefathers fought to enter the country of Johnny Mill, the Stuart with a little heart, saunter in Haridwar, no pubs or fish and chips’ counters here, only Ganga-Jal, -the holy ale- Quaff it for the spirit and carry it to the banks of Thames in a holy grail. (Dear Quotes)
You’re terribly selfish, you know. I’ve loved you so long, and it was never dear or precious to you. I might as well have not loved you at all. (Dear Quotes)
The government favors the most diplomatic language. That’s why any letter to them should always start with, Dear turkeys and foul maggots... (Dear Quotes)
Dear girl, continued Bob advancing with an imbecile grin upon his countenance, which he imagined no doubt to be a seductive smile, fly with me! Be mine! Share with me the wild free life of a barrister! Say that you return the love which consumes my heart - oh, say it! Here Bob put his hand over a hole in his waistcoat and struck a dramatic attitude. (Dear Quotes)
When the public’s right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press are at risk, all of the other liberties we hold dear are endangered. (Dear Quotes)
Afford every soul you encounter the wide and free passage they need to give birth to the dear expressions they feel are important. (Dear Quotes)
You see, dear, it is not true that woman was made from man’s rib; she was made from his funny bone. (Dear Quotes)
I remember nearly having a fit of the giggles during the reading because dear Daniel was SO respectful and serious and I was finding the whole situation funny because I was speaking to his profile. (Dear Quotes)
One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the empowerment to create a life they love, filled with purposeful, enjoyable work, and relationships they hold dear. (Dear Quotes)
If I heard a girl crying help I would go to save her; But you hardly ever hear those words. Dear children, you must try to say Something when you are in need. Don’t confuse hunger with greed; And don’t wait until you are dead. (Dear Quotes)
Don’t you be thinking,’ she says, ‘on things that are done and can’t be changed. All right, dear girl? You think of the time to come. (Dear Quotes)
Dear semi hot girl taking photos on a boat. It’s not your boat so stop acting like you own it. You drive a used Civic. (Dear Quotes)
My dear, be a good man be virtuous be religious be a good man. Nothing else will give you any comfort when you come to lie here. ...God bless you all. (Dear Quotes)
I am left alone in the wide world. My own dear family I have buried: one in Rangoon, and two in Amherst. What remains for me but to hold myself in readiness to follow the dear departed to that blessed world, ‘Where my best friends, my kindred dwell, where God, my Saviour, reigns.’ (Dear Quotes)
Cling to God, and leave all the rest to Him: He will not let you perish. Your soul is very dear to Him, He wishes to save it. (Dear Quotes)
Now, said I aloud, My dear Father’s Words are come to pass: God’s Justice has overtaken me, and I have none to help or hear me: I rejected the Voice of Providence. (Dear Quotes)
Dear Ian, I felt good. I felt like a Christian to the T. Also to the Chris, Ian. (Dear Quotes)
The dear good people don’t know how long it takes to learn to read. I’ve been at it eighty years, and can’t say yet that I’ve reached the goal. (Dear Quotes)
Barrons laughed again. And there, my dear Fio, you make one of Womankind’s greatest mistakes: Falling in love with a man’s potential. We so rarely share the same view of it, and even more rarely care to achieve it. Stop pining for the man you think I could be -- and take a good, long, hard look at the one I am. (Dear Quotes)
All we have to do is listen. The Good Lord gave us two ears and only one mouth, my dear white-headed mother used to say... (Dear Quotes)
To the good warrior soundeth thou shalt pleasanter than I will. And all that is dear unto you, ye shall first have it commanded unto you. (Dear Quotes)
To feel the grace of God in a painting of the dear, quiet commonness of a domestic interior, or in a landscape, seascape, cityscape, trains us to feel the grace of God in the thing itself in situ. (Dear Quotes)