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Death Quotes

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Text Quotes
To the wizard death is merely a belief  (Death Quotes) Those who fear death most are those who enjoy life least  (Death Quotes) Death was too definite an object to be wished for or avoided  (Death Quotes) Death is no more than passing from one room into another  (Death Quotes) Sexual intercourse is kicking death in the ass while singing  (Death Quotes) Death is not the worst evil, but rather when we wish to die and cannot  (Death Quotes) Death is fortunate for the child, bitter to the youth, too late to the old  (Death Quotes) Life is uncertain; death is certain  (Death Quotes) All fear violence, all are afraid of death  (Death Quotes) Too strong a media emphasis on death and violence can lead to despair  (Death Quotes) Jesus took the tree of death so you could have the tree of life  (Death Quotes) Repetition is the death of magic  (Death Quotes) About, about, in reel and rout the death fires danced at night  (Death Quotes) I’m afraid of death... Yes, but that doesn’t stop death coming  (Death Quotes) To examine the causes of life, we must first have recourse to death  (Death Quotes) The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose  (Death Quotes) After my father’s death, nothing could touch me any more  (Death Quotes) Oh to reach the point of death and realize one has not lived at all  (Death Quotes) Dancing with death meant being committed to killing, committed with your heart and soul  (Death Quotes) No thought is born in me that does not bear the image of death  (Death Quotes) Our culture’s zeal for longevity reveals our incredible collective fear of death  (Death Quotes) Through the centuries, we faced down death by daring to hope  (Death Quotes) If people are not afraid of dying, why threaten them with death?  (Death Quotes) Let people take death seriously, and not travel far  (Death Quotes) Choose a friend as thou dost a wife, till death separate you  (Death Quotes) Death was past, life not come: so he waited  (Death Quotes) If compliments were food, I’d have starved to death 28 years ago  (Death Quotes) Is not absence death to those who love?  (Death Quotes) Death is the greatest illusion of all  (Death Quotes) Do not seek death, seek destruction  (Death Quotes)
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