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Death Quotes

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Text Quotes
I have never seen such a defiance of death  (Death Quotes) If you do the same thing every night, that’s the death of music  (Death Quotes) I wanted to be bored to death, as good a way to go as any  (Death Quotes) Death loves a shining mark, a signal blow  (Death Quotes) Death is the most certain and the most uncertain event there is  (Death Quotes) Death is the only God that comes when you call  (Death Quotes) O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?  (Death Quotes) There is death in the pot  (Death Quotes) For the wages of sin is death  (Death Quotes) Every person who has taken birth in this material world is destined to meet death, which is simply a matter of changing bodies, but on one except the Krishna conscious person knows where he will be going after this change of bodies  (Death Quotes) Sleep, those little slices of death; oh how I loathe them  (Death Quotes) Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death  (Death Quotes) Death, the sable smoke where vanishes the flame  (Death Quotes) Death the last voyage, the longest, and the best  (Death Quotes) Surrealism will usher you into death, which is a secret society  (Death Quotes) This reasonable moderator, and equal piece of justice, death  (Death Quotes) The thousand doors that lead to death  (Death Quotes) Knowledge by suffering entereth, and life is perfected by death  (Death Quotes) Heresy is the life of a mythology, and orthodoxy is the death  (Death Quotes) Looked death in the eye and did not seem disappointed  (Death Quotes) He deserved to die except that nothing deserves death  (Death Quotes) Death renders all equal  (Death Quotes) Realism was the death of art  (Death Quotes) And doomed to death, though fated not to die  (Death Quotes) In the jaws of death  (Death Quotes) When we speak plainly of death we stand equal to it  (Death Quotes) There is nothing beautiful or noble about death or fear  (Death Quotes) The crossbows twanged like harps of death  (Death Quotes) After death the doctor  (Death Quotes) The death toll is not nearly high enough... Too many have escaped  (Death Quotes)
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