Deaths Quotes

Text Quotes
I know so. But, gentle Lady Anne, to leave this keen encounter of our wits and fall something into a slower method - is not the causer of the timeless deaths Of these Plantagenets, henry and Edward, as blameful as the executioner? (Deaths Quotes)
So shall you hear of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts, of accidental judgments, casual slaughters, of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause, and, in this upshot, purposes mistook fall'n on th' inventors' heads (Deaths Quotes)
There is nothing about which I am more anxious than my country, and for it's sake I am willing to die ten deaths, if that be possible (Deaths Quotes)
You can't love your mother or father if you don't also have the capacity to grieve their deaths and, perhaps even more so, grieve parts of their lives (Deaths Quotes)
I come from a stupid family. My uncle heard that most deaths occurs within ten miles of the house... so he moved (Deaths Quotes)
Many injuries and deaths can be prevented through an understanding of the dangers of power lines, electrical appliances, extension cords, and lightning (Deaths Quotes)
I’ve done about four deaths in films now, and I think it’s quite good because then it’s sort of a memorable moment in the film (Deaths Quotes)
If that vital spark that we find in a grain of wheat can pass unchanged through countless deaths and resurrections, will the spirit of man be unable to pass from this body to another? (Deaths Quotes)
It is still just unbelievable to us that diarrhea is one of the leading causes of child deaths in the world (Deaths Quotes)
When a man lies he murders some part of the world. These are the pale deaths men miscall their lives (Deaths Quotes)
There are few men who know how to go to their deaths with dignity, and often they are not those whom one would expect (Deaths Quotes)
Removal of an organ is difficult and dangerous. There have been several deaths of healthy donors. I think myself, I would be hesitant to participate as a liver donor. It’s a very tricky operation (Deaths Quotes)
What I’ve learned is that there is nothing in this life that does not fail to disappoint us, even our own deaths (Deaths Quotes)
We take pictures because we can’t accept that everything passes, we can’t accept that the repetition of a moment is an impossibility. We wage a monotonous war against our own impending deaths, against time that turns children into that other, lesser species: adults. We take pictures because we know we will forget. We will forget the week, the day, the hour. We will forget when we were happiest. We take pictures out of pride, a desire to have the best of ourselve preserved. We fear that we will die and others will not know we lived (Deaths Quotes)
According to some, heroic deaths are admirable things. I’ve never been convinced by this argument, mainly because, no matter how cool, stylish, composed, unflappable, manly, or defiant you are, at the end of the day you’re also dead. Which is a little too permanent for my liking (Deaths Quotes)
I joined the army to avenge the deaths of my family and to survive, but I’ve come to learn that if I am going to take revenge, in that process I will kill another person whose family will want revenge; then revenge and revenge and revenge will never come to an end (Deaths Quotes)
There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time (Deaths Quotes)
Every individual who eats flesh food, whether an animal is killed expressely for him or not, is supporting the trade of slaughtering and contributing to the violent deaths of harmless animals (Deaths Quotes)
Life may unfold chronologically for the body and for bureaucracies that keep track of such things as births, marriages, deaths, visas, tax returns, expulsions, and identity cards, but memory does not play this game in quite the same way, always manages to confound the desire for tidiness (Deaths Quotes)
Nile perch are enormous but lethargic fish, easy to catch once they have taken your bait. Some are bright golden yellow, some grey pink with the large, round surprised eyes of all fish, in which we humans cannot read any expression of pain or suffering, so that, as with insects or mollusks, we feel absolved of their deaths (Deaths Quotes)
There is the guilt all soldiers feel for having broken the taboo against killing, a guilt as old as war itself. Add to this the soldier’s sense of shame for having fought in actions that resulted, indirectly or directly, in the deaths of civilians. Then pile on top of that an attitude of social opprobrium, an attitude that made the fighting man feel personally morally responsible for the war, and you get your proverbial walking time bomb (Deaths Quotes)
I say this as the president of the country which has suffered more deaths, more blood and more sacrifices in this war (Deaths Quotes)
There would be no chance at all of getting to know death if it happened only once. But fortunately, life is nothing but a continuing dance of birth and death, a dance of change. Every time I hear the rush of a mountain stream, or the waves crashing on the shore, or my own heartbeat, I hear the sound of impermanence. These changes, these small deaths, are our living links with death. They are death’s pulses, death’s heartbeat, prompting us to let go of all the things we cling to (Deaths Quotes)
I wonder what sentences judges might hand down at future international criminal tribunals on those who will be partially but directly responsible for millions of deaths from starvation, famine, and disease in the decades ahead (Deaths Quotes)
Despite the courts efforts to fashion a death penalty scheme that is just, fair and reliable, the system is not working. Innocent people are being sentenced to death.... It is no answer to say that we are doing the best that we can. If this is the best our state can do, we have no business sending people to their deaths (Deaths Quotes)
I hate to call it crossfire, what the rapid action battalion attributes for the custodial deaths, as there must be two parties in any such incident. But the reality is the just found body of the victim (Deaths Quotes)
Egypt firmly and strongly condemns such attacks on civilians and soldiers that led to the deaths of a large number of innocent victims (Deaths Quotes)
There is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition (Deaths Quotes)
Life is a hurricane, and we board up to save what we can and bow low to the earth to crouch in that small space above the dirt where the wind will not reach. We honor anniversaries of deaths by cleaning graves and sitting next to them before fires, sharing food with those who will not eat again. We raise children and tell them other things about who they can be and what they are worth: to us, everything. We love each other fiercely, while we live and after we die. We survive; we are savages (Deaths Quotes)
Sir, if you think that I am that kind of a man, you have missed your mark. I would rather die a thousand deaths than betray a friend or be false to duty (Deaths Quotes)