Debasish Mridha Quotes

Text Quotes
You are that angel of paradise.You are that flower of heaven.This universe was longing for you,with endless love for infinite time. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Let us be kind and pay our deepest gratitude to those angels who fill our life with joy, beauty, and magic. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Fill your heart with kindness and forgiveness, there will be no stress, anger, or bitterness (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Your anger is the fire which can burn the whole world, but forgiveness is the water which can extinguish the fire and bloom the flowers of peace and love. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Your anger and resentment can destroy peace but love can fill the world with peace and happiness (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Anger and resentment are the cancer of our mind. To be cured, inject love in your heart and be kind. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
A writer draws a road map where readers walks with their love, joy, anger, tears, and dismay. Every story, every poem, has different meanings for every reader. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
When you’re angry and the fire of revenge is burning your mind, that is the best time to practice calmness, forgiveneess, kindness and love (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Enjoy the beauty of simplicity and slowness of life, let go of urgency, stress, and anxiety of life. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Urgency fills our life with stress and anxiety. but slowness, simplicity, and love fill our life with beauty and happiness. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Appreciate all of life’s beauty and express the deepest gratitude for all the abundance (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Plant the trees just for beauty,If flowers bloom or fruits ripen, Enjoy it as a gift and appreciate nature as a universal giver. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
To improve someone’s life, don’t reprimand but find the opportunity to appreciate and encourage. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
The more you appreciate and celebrate life with joy, the more abundance will fill your life to enjoy. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Gratitude is the combination of appreciate, love, kindness, and compassion in a beautiful heart (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
There is nothing more important and precious on earth than the opportunity to love and appreciate (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Let us love each other, then appreciate each other, then express our gratitude to each other; we will create heaven on earth. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
If you want to be great, see greatness in others and appreciate it with your whole heart (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Are deepest desires are: someone to understand us, someone to appreciate us, someone to inspire us, and someone to enjoy what we are. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
If you want to get more, appreciate and express heartfelt gratitude for what you have (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Happiness is when you’re content with what you have and appreciate what you get with gratitude (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
You’re not here just to make a living but for appreciating and expressing gratitude for the abundance and beauty of life that you are enjoying. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
We are part of nature. We are here to bloom like a flower- to ornate the earth with beauty, love, joy, happiness, and care. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
It takes tremendous courage to change and grow up to be what we want to be (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
We are born with hope. We grow up with hope. We live with hope. We love with hope. We vanish from this world with eternal hope. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Life is a bubble in the ocean of time. At the same time, it can hold all the water of the ocean in her heart. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Let us be awake and live every moment of our precious, loving, and spontaneous life (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
If you want to change the world, change your perception and awareness. The world will change. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
Happiness is a state of awareness, which comes from tranquility, service, love, grace, and forgiveness. (Debasish Mridha Quotes)
We will go away and nothing will remain except what we shared and gave away with love (Debasish Mridha Quotes)