Decent Quotes

Text Quotes
People have a right to my food, a right to my housing, and a right to my good job for my decent pay. (Decent Quotes)
Favouring employment versus the financial markets is a decent policy; certainly not beneficial for the currency or the gilt market, but beneficial for the people. (Decent Quotes)
If we are able to allow people to earn a decent rate of return, with sufficient scale, we can all do well by doing good. (Decent Quotes)
I think most people are decent people. I don’t know if they could stand the pressure he’s under, but most people aspire to be decent people. (Decent Quotes)
That Plato’s Republic should have been admired, on its political side, by decent people, is perhaps the most astonishing example of literary snobbery in all history. (Decent Quotes)
I’ve met so many people, often the scum of the earth, and found them, you know, quite decent. I am an uncomfortable stranger to moral indignation. (Decent Quotes)
I’ll always put policy ahead of politics and I think people expect that. They’re sick of the politics getting in the way of decent outcomes for people. (Decent Quotes)
This is the true horror of religion. It allows perfectly decent and sane people to believe by the billions, what only lunatics could believe on their own. (Decent Quotes)
You always hear people saying, ‘I hope I’m not turning into my dad’, but I’d be honoured if I became half as decent a bloke as he is. (Decent Quotes)
There are decent people that I know who don’t know how to treat their partner. It’s been built up so hard and so high that people are afraid. (Decent Quotes)
In the early days, I didn’t have the money to pay decent salaries, so I didn’t get good people. I got nice people, but I didn’t get good employees. (Decent Quotes)
I believe there is no other way to create decent livelihoods for the world’s poorest people than to connect them to global markets as producers, and on fair terms. (Decent Quotes)
No matter how flawed someone else may be, that doesn’t give us the right to be less than we are, does it? We are decent people and we repay our debts. (Decent Quotes)
I think as long as the standard of quality, the story-telling, film-making, acting etc. etc. remains consistent, then you’ve got a good change of making a decent anthology. (Decent Quotes)
People will say what they want to say, and it’s okay. And my life will go on, and I need to focus on my life. So, do I need to defend that I’m a decent woman? I sure hope I don’t. I know I am. (Decent Quotes)
No man can do both effective and decent work in public life unless he is a practical politician on the one hand, and a sturdy believer in Sunday-school politics on the other. He must always strive manfully for the best, and yet, like Abraham Lincoln, must often resign himself to accept the best possible. (Decent Quotes)
There must be a major economic recovery package which puts Americans to work at decent wages (Decent Quotes)
The money can be decent, but I really don’t recommend the work-for-hire route as an entry into publishing. Too many things can go wrong. (Decent Quotes)
The funny thing is, about the time I let go of any aspiration toward worldly success, that’s about the time I started writing decent work. (Decent Quotes)
Aaron Cruden and Beauden Barrett have both been decent, but Dan Carter takes it on to a different level, and he kicks his goals better than both of them. (Decent Quotes)
It is important what you eat now, what you do now. If we were interested in a sustainable planet where other generations have a right to a decent future, we would not live like this. (Decent Quotes)
It’s not like it’s hard to be decent and respectful and well-behaved. I do wait in line, and I do take the subway, and I do do my own grocery shopping, and I do take the kids to school. (Decent Quotes)
Ah, how lucky are the lieutenants, the six-foot Junkers, and all the rest of the Don Juan clan!... The bookworm, be he ever so decent and clever, is really only pleasing to himself and a small handful of others. The world passes him by and beckons to life and beauty ... to gay and handsome creatures to whom the hearts of their fellow men continue to turn. (Decent Quotes)
I had decent but not great grades in high school because I was highly motivated in some subjects, like the arts, drama, English, and history, but in math and science I was a screw-up. Wooster saw something in me, and I really flourished there. I got into theatre, took photography and painting classes. (Decent Quotes)
Honestly, I just try to drink lots of water and get a decent amount of sleep! (Decent Quotes)
I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling. (Decent Quotes)
If I want to look half decent, a blow dry is a godsend. I’m crap at doing my own hair. (Decent Quotes)
I think it is easy for people to build up an image of what I’m about. I consider myself quite a nice chappy really. I’m decent to people, I stay in and listen to Radio 4. (Decent Quotes)
Free market economists frequently see minimum wage legislation as mere political intervention. However, there are decent economic theories which show that, under certain circumstances, minimum wages can be beneficial, as it makes workers more productive. (Decent Quotes)
What we are doing in educating students is trying to prepare them to live more fulfilling lives for the decades after they graduate. And trying to provide a better, richer, fairer, more decent society for the generations after. (Decent Quotes)