Decide Quotes

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Who is omnipotent or wise enough to decide each new standard of good taste? Or sensitivity? (Decide Quotes)
Justice is indivisible. You can’t decide who gets civil rights and who doesn’t (Decide Quotes)
The specific course you decide upon is, within certain parameters, less important than the vigor with which you execute it (Decide Quotes)
When under attack, it is necessary to evaluate the situation and to decide instantly upon a proper course of action, to be carried out immediately with all the force you can bring to bear. He who hesitates is indeed lost. Do not soliloquize. Do not delay. Be decisive (Decide Quotes)
Fortunately I’ve got a weak character, so I never did decide to dedicate myself to only one of my professions. And I’m very glad. After all, if I’d rejected chess or music then my life wouldn’t have been two times, but a hundred times less interesting (Decide Quotes)
Champions are an example of what happens when you decide to leave the plane of average thinking, where you dare to dream and you dare to go after that dream, and you make these thoughts and ideas become more than something than just a dream. They actually become a vision (Decide Quotes)
Music will never go away, and I will never stop making music; it’s just what capacity or what arena you decide to do it (Decide Quotes)
Everyone must decide for himself whether it is better to have a brief but more intensely felt existence or to live a long and ordinary life (Decide Quotes)
The challenge for you is to decide not what is important, but what is most important and then focus your attention on that (Decide Quotes)
You decide which ones makes more sense, which is more practical and more logical to accept (Decide Quotes)
A startup can focus on only one metric. So you have to decide what that is and ignore everything else (Decide Quotes)
Vagabonding is about refusing to exile travel to some other, seemingly more appropriate, time of your life. Vagabonding is about taking control of your circumstances instead of passively waiting for them to decide your fate (Decide Quotes)
This is the moment when we have to decide: does a world exist outside ourselves and is that world worth fighting for? Another 200 species went extinct today. They were my kin. They were yours, too. If we know them as such, why aren’t we fighting to save them with everything we’ve got? (Decide Quotes)
If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings (Decide Quotes)
Every comedian comes to a fork in the road where they have to decide if they’re going to make jokes about other people or make jokes about themselves. I chose myself (Decide Quotes)
Life hits you hard. But it takes you three seconds to decide if you are a superhero or not. I am (Decide Quotes)
Mindfulness, by helping us notice our impulses before we act, gives us the opportunity to decide whether to act and how to act (Decide Quotes)
The world isn’t perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindrance. Or you can decide the rules are too tough and they shouldn’t apply to you, and you can ignore them and make things harder for everybody else. Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it’s about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn’t perfection. The point is doing it anyway (Decide Quotes)
When a physician is called to a patient, he should decide on the diagnosis, then the prognosis, and then the treatment... Physicians must know the evolution of the disease, its duration and gravity in order to predict its course and outcome. Here statistics intervene to guide physicians, by teaching them the proportion of mortal cases, and if observation has also shown that the successful and unsuccessful cases can be recognized by certain signs, then the prognosis is more certain (Decide Quotes)
Decide exactly what you want to achieve. Do you want to help people, or do you want to be powerful? (Decide Quotes)
Acceptance is not a talent you either have or don’t have. It’s a learned response. My meditation teacher made a great point about the difference between a reaction and a response: You may not have control over your initial reaction to something, but you can decide what your response will be. You don’t have to be at the mercy of your emotions, and acceptance can be your first step toward empowerment... For me, acceptance has been the cornerstone to my having an emotionally healthy response to my illness (Decide Quotes)
Everyone is free to set up an opinion and to adduce proofs in support of it. Whether, though, a scientist shall find it worth his while to enter into serious investigations of opinions so advanced is a question which his reason and instinct alone can decide. If these things, in the end, should turn out to be true, I shall not be ashamed of being the last to believe them (Decide Quotes)
Your life will always be filled with challenges. It’s best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway (Decide Quotes)
When I get a chance to power jump off both legs, I can lean, twist, change directions and decide whether to dunk the ball or pass it to an open man. In other words, I may be committed to the air, but I still have some control over it (Decide Quotes)
I decide immediately if I like a person and if I do, then I’m myself, and if I don’t, then I give nothing (Decide Quotes)
Power, in a nutshell, is the ability to get things done, and politics is the ability to decide which things need to be done (Decide Quotes)
We walk around every day not knowing the exact level of risk and benefit associated with most of our actions, yet it remains our responsibility to decide what’s worth pursuing (Decide Quotes)
One of the most productive things that we ever do in our lives is to think. To be able to think is to be able to decide, to judge, to have opinions and convictions, and to entertain a point of view. To be able to think is to be able to love, to believe, to work, to originate, and to organize (Decide Quotes)
I have lived this life, and no matter what others may decide about it, I must claim each decision as mine. I have caused harm, failed in the expectations and obligations of love. I have loved well. What I do each day is carried within me until I die (Decide Quotes)
There is no either / or between being competitive and collaborative. You have to be both and decide which in each situation (Decide Quotes)