Decide Quotes

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My advice is not to wait to be struck by an idea. If you’re a writer, you sit down and damn well decide to have an idea. That’s the way to get an idea (Decide Quotes)
From tonight onwards, take complete control of your life. Decide, once and for all, to be the master of your fate. Run your own race. Discover your calling and you will start to experience the ecstasy of an inspired life (Decide Quotes)
Everybody’s life is either a warning or an example. You’ve got to decide what you’re gonna be and you have to draw a line in the sand (Decide Quotes)
Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life (Decide Quotes)
Happiness is a decision, not an experience. You can decide to be happy without what you thought you needed in order to be happy, and you will be. Your experience is the result of your decision, not the cause of it (Decide Quotes)
My boy! Smoking is one of the greatest and cheapest enjoyments in life, and if you decide in advance not to smoke, I can only feel sorry for you (Decide Quotes)
Decide exactly what you want and resolve to persist, no matter what, until you achieve it (Decide Quotes)
Highly effective people tend to be proactive. They decide to find a better job or to have better health, rather than of responding to whatever curves life throws at them (Decide Quotes)
Decide to be happy, knowing it’s an attitude, a habit gained from daily practice, and not a result or payoff (Decide Quotes)
Nothing in the outer world makes you feel any way. You decide what you want to feel, and then use outer people and events as permission slips to execute your feeling agenda (Decide Quotes)
You get to decide what energy you choose to download in any moment. No one but you gets to decide who you wish to be (Decide Quotes)
Mindfulness allows us to watch our thoughts, see how one thought leads to the next, decide if we’re heading down an unhealthy path, and, if so, let go and change directions (Decide Quotes)
Decide what it is you want, write it down, review it constantly, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals (Decide Quotes)
You, and you alone, decide what something means to you. Yet this is a decision that most people make based upon past feelings, experiences, understandings, or future fears. None of this has anything to do with what is going on right here, right now (Decide Quotes)
When you decide to follow a certain path, you should follow it to the end and not be diverted from it for personal reasons (Decide Quotes)
In many lines of wok, it isn’t how much you do that counts, but how much you do well and how often you decide right (Decide Quotes)
Decide what your priorities are and how much time you’ll spend on them. If you don’t, someone else will (Decide Quotes)
Decide what your currency is early. Let go of what you will never have. People who do this are happier and sexier (Decide Quotes)
Decide that no matter what is happening around you, the sun will always be shining in your world (Decide Quotes)
There are lots of artists in the world. But there’s only one you. And the only person who has your point of view is you. If you decide not to make things, all you’ve done is deprive the world of all the stuff that only you could have brought to it (Decide Quotes)
It should be the right of the individual to decide whether he wants to belong to a union (Decide Quotes)
Excellence isn’t about working extra hard to do what you’re told. It’s about taking the initiative to do work you decide is worth doing (Decide Quotes)
You can’t control other people, and giving them the power to decide if you will continue to produce good work is foolish (Decide Quotes)
We determine how much influence we’ll have, when we decide how available we’ll be (Decide Quotes)
Make a decision to be successful right now. Most people never decide to be wealthy and that is why they retire poor (Decide Quotes)
Every day, with every word, we get to decide: Do we mar the world, or mark the world? (Decide Quotes)
Courageous people feel the same fear everyone else does, they just decide to not be afraid anymore (Decide Quotes)
Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much! (Decide Quotes)
Let us become the first generation to decide to be the last that sees empty classrooms, lost childhoods and wasted potential (Decide Quotes)
Most of our decisions are driven by either love or fear. Figure out who’s doing the talking, then decide what you’ll do (Decide Quotes)