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The fools who write articles about me think that one morning I suddenly decided to write and began to produce masterpieces. There is no special trick about writing, or painting either. I wrote constantly for 15 years before I produced anything with any solidity to it  (Decided Quotes) It is difficult to say why I decided I wanted to be an artist. Obviously, I had some facility, more than other people, but sometimes facility comes because one is more interested in looking at things, examining them, more interested in the visual world than other people are  (Decided Quotes) Facts per se can neither prove nor refute anything. Everything is decided by the interpretation and explanation of the facts, by the ideas and the theories  (Decided Quotes) In the end I realize that whatever meaning that picture has is the accumulated meaning of ten thousand brushstrokes, each one being decided as it was painted  (Decided Quotes) After realising my natural affinity towards surrealism several years ago I decided to study it’s origins and definitions  (Decided Quotes) In my practice as a psychiatrist, I have found that helping people to develop personal goals has proven to be the most effective way to help them cope with problems. Observing that lives of people who have mastered adversity, I have noticed that they have established goals and sought with all their effort to achieve them. From the moment they decided to concentrate all their energies on a specific objective, they begun to surmount the most difficult odds  (Decided Quotes) When I was a kid, a book I read advised young artist to be themselves. That decided it for me. I was a corny kind of guy, so I went in for corn  (Decided Quotes) Farmers have about given up hope of getting farm relief and have decided to fertilize instead  (Decided Quotes) We’ve decided what we are. That’s the dream. When the dream fades, it’s not that we don’t exist. How could we not exist since we never existed?  (Decided Quotes) I decided to be a smarter fighter. I already knew I was tough, so if I was smart and tough, I was more likely to be a champion  (Decided Quotes) I decided to run for governor because I got mad... I want to make government more directly accountable to the people  (Decided Quotes) When a ball goes into a net it only means something because we decided it means something. When somebody punches somebody in the face it always means something  (Decided Quotes) I thought I was going to be a poet when I was in college, but then I found out I was poor so I decided to do something I’d get paid for  (Decided Quotes) Empty the cup every time and it comes back at twice as full. I developed that attitude when I was very, very young, when I decided I didn’t want to be a gangster anymore. Whether it’s just shining shoes, I said okay, I’m going to do this better than anybody else did it in my life  (Decided Quotes) Both of my parents are actually music teachers. I think I got to a certain age where I decided I’d rather be a baseball player than a musician. Now, like most kids, I regret it  (Decided Quotes) You could try to believe what you wanted, but it never worked. Your brain and your heart decided what you were going to believe and that was that. Whether you liked it or not  (Decided Quotes) He that gives a portion of his time and talent to the investigation of mathematical truth, will come to all other questions with a decided advantage over his opponents  (Decided Quotes) I hated the idea that I would be like my father. Which is one of the reasons I decided I didn’t want to be a writer and wanted to be an actor instead. I wanted to go in a total different direction. But, of course, I ended up being a writer anyway  (Decided Quotes) I often wonder if I was destined to be a composer. I think I decided and I followed my star  (Decided Quotes) You cannot separate the composition from the life of the moment. It is all one thing, to be decided in a split second while you’re living through it  (Decided Quotes) When I was a teenager I decided I was going to be a writer and that nothing was going to stop me. It sounds almost villainous. But I knew that was what I wanted  (Decided Quotes) I’m a simple village girl who has always obeyed the orders of my father and brothers. Since forever, I have learned to say yes to everything. Today I have decided to say no  (Decided Quotes) I’ve decided something: Commercial things really do stink. As soon as it becomes commercial for a mass market it really stinks  (Decided Quotes) All I knew about shot putting was that my brother could do 44 feet... I decided I wanted to beat him.... So I got a shot and went to work and made up my mind to do 45 feet  (Decided Quotes) It was long ago in my life as a simple reporter that I decided that facts must never get in the way of truth  (Decided Quotes) I decided at school that the only sensible way to make a living by arranging words in a pleasing order was by working on newspapers, because you got paid at the end of the week or the end of the month  (Decided Quotes) On the film where I didn’t get along with the director, I just decided to not speak to him  (Decided Quotes) I decided that I did not want to follow any of these ideologies or trends, because these also exerted a kind of pressure, and obstructed absolute creative freedom  (Decided Quotes) The random quantum fluctuations of my brain are historical accidents that happen to have decided that the concepts of dynamic scoping and lexical scoping are orthogonal and should remain that way  (Decided Quotes) I have decided to be a poet. My father said there isn’t a suitable career structure for poets and no pensions and other boring things, but I am quite decided  (Decided Quotes)
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