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Miramar, my recording company, has decided to offer a compilation of my music for snowboarding, which will have the same cover as the book does  (Decided Quotes) Be radical! The reason you feel so miserable is because you put spirituality in a form. You boxed it, franchised it. You decided spirituality was a certain way but then you got stuck in the way  (Decided Quotes) Things are not necessarily logical. Logic is a secondary source reference. Everything is what it is. We have decided to apply rationale to things. It makes us feel better  (Decided Quotes) I think people everywhere have a very dismaying feeling that politics are going over their heads, are being decided by wealthy interests that don’t take them into consideration. And are bending the legislative process in their own behalf  (Decided Quotes) I had no plans to be an entrepreneur. I just wanted to be a journalist and write for a magazine. At 15, I just decided to leave school and launch a national student magazine  (Decided Quotes) Everyone wants to be perceived a certain way, to gain the things that they have decided are the things that they want in their life  (Decided Quotes) Once I looked in the mirror and decided this is who I am, and I’m not scared of who I am, and I’m not scared that I can’t be like you, and I’m good with just doing me, that’s when I found myself, as a man  (Decided Quotes) The reason you have what you have is because that is what you have decided to settle for right now. Change your mind, change your life  (Decided Quotes) The sports apparel industry was dominated by the big shoe companies. But there was a void in apparel and I decided to fill it  (Decided Quotes) Ive always loved movies since I was a kid. I loved how they could make me happy, sad, or just show me different parts of the world and people. So when I was about six, I decided that that was what I wanted to do: make movies  (Decided Quotes) I made the best business decision at 14 when I decided to get into acting. The worst was owning 2 homes at the same time  (Decided Quotes) When I decided to go into politics I weighed the costs. I would get criticism. But I went ahead. So when virulent criticism came I wasn’t surprised. I was better able to handle it  (Decided Quotes) It is difficult to deal successfully, he decided, with a woman whose feelings cannot be hurt  (Decided Quotes) Whoever decided that comic valentines were a good idea should have been sent away to think it over  (Decided Quotes) I just didn’t like the way we were, in my opinion, being unfairly attacked. I just decided to do what was right for our family  (Decided Quotes) Genius is personal, decided by fate, but it expresses itself by means of system. There is no work of art without system  (Decided Quotes) In the morning I had decided that henceforth I only cared for easy loves. It is so degrading to have to persuade people into liking one, or one’s works  (Decided Quotes) After several months of probation work, standing on my feet some ten to twelve hours a day, I decided that as a nurse I was a pretty good entertainer  (Decided Quotes) The fashion industry is no more able to preserve a style that men and women have decided to abandon than to introduce one they do not choose to accept  (Decided Quotes) Anybody who runs for public office today has got to know his life or her life will be an open book. I’ve decided that if you want to run for public office you have to decide at the age of 5 and live accordingly  (Decided Quotes) I have decided to keep a full journal, in the hope that my life will perhaps seem more interesting when it is written down  (Decided Quotes) If a man has a very decided character, has a strongly accentuated career, it is normally the case of course that he makes ardent friends and bitter enemies  (Decided Quotes) I have decided that I want animation to be taken seriously; that is the goal of my life. I believe that animation is a very important medium to tell stories, not just for kids but for adults  (Decided Quotes) I’m a strong supporter of comfort breeds complacency. Growing up poor I wasn’t comfortable, my mom had to work so hard and I woke up one day and decided I was not going to come home until I could help her pay the bills  (Decided Quotes) I’ve decided I can’t really control people’s perceptions of me. All I can do is decide on what I work on and how hard I work on it  (Decided Quotes) Creepy people do the things that decent people want to do, but have decided are not a great idea  (Decided Quotes) I got very depressed. Hollywood can be a terrible place when you’re depressed. The pits. I decided I had to change my life and do different things  (Decided Quotes) I decided to start embracing and wearing my natural hair, but there was only one problem; I didn’t know what to do with it or how to style it. Growing up, all I knew was my relaxed, processed hair, so I had to go through this learning phase  (Decided Quotes) My little brother and I took piano lessons at a young age and played music together later on in life just to play around at home until we decided to make a record. Eventually we started having more and more songs  (Decided Quotes) Do not determine to change your life eventually. If you have decided to change your life, it is already changing  (Decided Quotes)
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