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Decided Quotes

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I decided at 10 I wanted to be in a band; everyone else wanted to play football  (Decided Quotes) I decided to fly through the air and live in the sunlight and enjoy life as much as I could  (Decided Quotes) I decided at age 5 to start acting and I have never wanted to do anything else  (Decided Quotes) I received so many positive comments about the quotes that I decided to continue to use them in my novels  (Decided Quotes) Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections  (Decided Quotes) God made a very obvious choice when he made me voluptuous; why would I go against what he decided for me? My limbs work, so I’m not going to complain about the way my body is shaped  (Decided Quotes) I figured out it was a social thing, what women were allowed to do. At a very young age, I decided I was not going to follow women’s rules  (Decided Quotes) The year I was born, 1956, was the peak year for babies being born, and there are more people essentially our age than anybody else. We could crush these new generations if we decided too  (Decided Quotes) What annoys the hell out of me is the arrogance of some people. They don’t even listen to our music, they decided in advance that they don’t like it  (Decided Quotes) I don’t know who decided that skinny was more appealing than not skinny. It seems arbitrary  (Decided Quotes) Then I got together with my brother and a friend and we decided to play dates. The more we played, the more we wanted to do it. And it got to a stage where we wanted to do it all the time  (Decided Quotes) I decided to write category romance as I’d recently discovered them, and enjoyed them  (Decided Quotes) I make it clear why I write as I do and why other poets write as they do. After hundreds of experiments I decided to go my own way in style and see what would happen  (Decided Quotes) Without the faintest possibility of finding a job, I decided to devote myself to literature: it was about time to find out what I was worth as a writer  (Decided Quotes) When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting I go ahead of it and make trial after trial until it comes  (Decided Quotes) I hate that which we have decided to call realism, even though I have been made one of its high priests  (Decided Quotes) First I wanted to be a veterinarian. And then I realized you had to give them shots to put them to sleep, so I decided I’d just buy a bunch of animals and have them in my house instead  (Decided Quotes) I may play some exhibition games so I don’t want to quit the game of chess completely. I just decided and it’s a firm decision not to play competitive chess anymore  (Decided Quotes) I’m still number one and I just recently won a major tournament ahead of my toughest rivals so I think I had a few years ahead of me if I decided to stay  (Decided Quotes) My early reviews were so bad that I decided I didn’t want to read them again  (Decided Quotes) Am I worried people will say I’m repeating myself? Sure. One thought I had was to publish it as a novel but eventually I just decided to do what I wanted to do  (Decided Quotes) When I got older I decided I wanted to be a real writer. I tried to write about real things. I wanted to describe the world, because to live in an undescribed world was too lonely  (Decided Quotes) How true it is that our destinies are decided by nothings and that a small imprudence helped by some insignificant accident, as an acorn is fertilized by a drop of rain, may raise the trees on which perhaps we and others shall be crucified  (Decided Quotes) Few men are of one plain, decided color; most are mixed, shaded, and blended; and vary as much, from different situations, as changeable silks do from different lights  (Decided Quotes) Once you have decided to keep a certain pile, it is no longer yours; for you can’t spend it  (Decided Quotes) I used to beat myself up about weight and working out, and no matter what I did I never felt good about myself. I decided to accept myself and know that I am good  (Decided Quotes) When I was young, an eccentric uncle decided to teach me how to lie. Not, he explained, because he wanted me to lie, but because he thought I should know how it’s done so I would recognise when I was being lied to  (Decided Quotes) The most important thing is to be healthy, to drink a lot of water, to fight gravity as much as possible. I am one of the few people who decided I wasn’t going to do any invasion with my face  (Decided Quotes) Well, I’ve been happily supporting myself for ten years now on the hustle and trade of live entertainment. I guess my breakthrough moment was when I decided to go for it once and for all  (Decided Quotes) I played bass for a year, but I wasn’t getting better at it, so I decided to stop so I could see my friends  (Decided Quotes)
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