Deciding Quotes

Text Quotes
Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest, never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which they lead, is where we truely belong. Life’s greatest tragedy is not that it will some day end, but that most of us just live to follow directions, and many times we end up totally lost (Deciding Quotes)
I struggle with deciding when to answer or ignore the constant speculation about my private life, because I feel like that doesn’t belong to anybody but me (Deciding Quotes)
So I’m not wrong when I said you are a puppet? That you have no voice or choice in deciding? (Deciding Quotes)
The world is divided into the ordinary and the extraordinary. The problem is deciding which is which (Deciding Quotes)
I’m confused that there is a lack of faith in listening to and deciding what is a great song and instead going for these formulaic, bad songs over and over again. But that’s what happened when people from beverage companies bought record labels and radio stations as opposed to people who love music owning record labels (Deciding Quotes)
I can’t believe there is a poet who hasn’t eagerly put down a word one day, only to erase it the next day deciding it was sheer lunacy. It’s part of the process of selection (Deciding Quotes)
If businesses don’t know from state to state what the requirements are for taxes, they have to waste a lot of money on accountants and lawyers before deciding to expand their business into the state next door (Deciding Quotes)
It’s very easy to get excited about a job, but it’s a big commitment because you do it and then you have to live with it when it’s finished. It’s forever in your section in the video store. It’s you. It’s almost like deciding who you have a child with (Deciding Quotes)
Before my first child was born, I had nothing going on professionally really, and it’s been a very blessed period of creativity for me since he arrived. It’s very surreal. It’s almost as if the babies are out there pulling strings somewhere, deciding what kind of life they want to be born into (Deciding Quotes)
I’m tired of being responsible for 203 lives, and I’m tired of deciding which mission is too risky and which isn’t, and who’s going on the landing party and who doesn’t... and who lives, and who dies (Deciding Quotes)
I am kept awake by the list of possibilities for shooting more photos and deciding what I must prioritise next (Deciding Quotes)
Global consciousness is that thing responsible for deciding that pots containing decaffeinated coffee should be orange (Deciding Quotes)
Science is based on the possibility of objectivity, on the possibility of different people checking out for themselves the observations made by others. Without that possibility, there is no empirical principle capable of deciding between different arguments and theories (Deciding Quotes)
In the act of deciding what to eliminate, you place value on what’s left behind (Deciding Quotes)
Inherited aptitudes and traits of temperament count for quite as much as length of habituation in deciding what range of habits will come to dominate any individual’s scheme of life (Deciding Quotes)
I think there’s a fundamental moral issue about whether it’s right for a machine to decide to kill a person. It’s bad enough that people are deciding to kill people, but at least they have perhaps some moral argument that they’re doing it to ultimately defend their families or prevent some greater evil (Deciding Quotes)
In our lives and in our careers, whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly navigating a path by deciding between our deliberate strategies and the unanticipated alternatives that emerge (Deciding Quotes)
Fashion is a way of not having to decide who you are. Style is deciding who you are and being able to perpetuate it (Deciding Quotes)
You have always been deciding the truth of your life. It is how you decide to feel about it. There is no need to try to work out what something means. You decide what it means (Deciding Quotes)
We must choose for others as we have reason to believe they would choose for themselves if they were at the age of reason and deciding rationally (Deciding Quotes)
All anarchists believe in worker’s control, in the sense of individuals deciding what work whey do, how they work, and who they work with. This follows logically from the anarchist belief that nobody should be subject to a boss (Deciding Quotes)
If the ancient churches, in debating and deciding the greatest mysteries of religion, knew nothing of these two texts, I understand not why we should be so fond of them now the debate is over (Deciding Quotes)
Remember that deciding is not doing, and wanting is not choosing. Transformation will take place not because of what you decide you want, but because of what you choose to do (Deciding Quotes)
I spent nearly two hours deciding on an outfit that would look as if the subject of clothing had never crossed my mind, but would in fact show off my best features and miraculously hide the extra pounds (Deciding Quotes)
The essence of charity... was not deciding what others needed and giving it to them, but giving them what they wanted (Deciding Quotes)
Confidence is the key to virtually everything. It’s just deciding that you’re qualified because once you decide you’re qualified, everything else becomes very easy (Deciding Quotes)
And I realized that there’s a big difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go (Deciding Quotes)
People are even more wary of politicians and they are realizing that democracy isn’t just about putting a cross on a ballot every four years, it’s about deciding what you want and fighting for it (Deciding Quotes)
I came to filmmaking because it’s my passion. I decided I can’t have it distorted or marred by someone else deciding what it should be (Deciding Quotes)
A successful surgeon should be a man who, when asked to name the three best surgeons in the world, would have difficulty deciding on the other two (Deciding Quotes)