Decisions Quotes

Text Quotes
Indian economy is suffering from policy paralysis and lack of optimism. I am confident that with right kind of decisions, we can once again generate hope and confidence and turnaround our economy (Decisions Quotes)
The hopeful part about that is when you do have that help, you will feel better. It still doesn’t make this easy. Nothing makes this easy, but you can make better decisions (Decisions Quotes)
Be willing to make bold decisions and be willing to make glorious mistakes. Learn from your mistakes, but you’ve got to be willing to make them first (Decisions Quotes)
I didn’t always walk that straight line. I’m not going to say that I’m an angel. But I made some right decisions along the way (Decisions Quotes)
... what we should be looking for is fresh ideas of how we make moral decisions about our dealings with one another, economic, social, cultural. Economic determinism is an objectionable creed where men and women espouse it in its communist or capitalist form because it treats human beings as economic units and not as responsible persons (Decisions Quotes)
Our lives are led, and our decisions made, within a network of needs and wants, some natural, some arising from the acts of others, some aggravated by the acts of the state. We are all bored, or threatened, or tantalized in differing degrees by a perilous world, some hostile people, and a not very sensitive government (Decisions Quotes)
The advantages of having decisions made by groups are often lost because of powerful psychological pressures that arise when the members work closely together, share the same set of values and, above all, face a crisis situation that puts everyone under intense stress (Decisions Quotes)
I have a feeling that art is something you do for yourself, and that any time you turn your decisions over to someone else you’re postponing at best, your own development. The atmosphere of the workshop should be that of trying out one’s own work and accepting the signals from others but not accepting the dictation of others because that is a violation of the spirit of art. Art can’t be done by somebody else, it has got to be done by the artist (Decisions Quotes)
To be successful in the family the father must have the welfare of each family member at heart and his decisions and plans must be based upon what is best for them (Decisions Quotes)
The genius writer was correct. In obtaining freedom, man suddenly understands that he has shouldered a heavy burden, because freedom involves responsibility. A person must make decisions himself and himself answer for them (Decisions Quotes)
The club continued to make significant player decisions without involving me. In the end, such a breach of trust and confidence meant that I had no option but to leave (Decisions Quotes)
Form the habit of making decisions when your spirit is fresh... to let dark moods lead is like choosing cowards to command armies (Decisions Quotes)
A democratic public forms when citizens gather together to deliberate and make public judgments about local and national issues that affect their lives. By associating together for public discussion, citizens learn the skills necessary for the health of a democratic public; listening persuading, arguing, compromising, and seeking common ground. When these skills are nurtured within the institutions of a democratic public, citizens educate themselves in order to make informed political decisions (Decisions Quotes)
In my opinion, economists and sociologists are the people to whom we ought to turn more than we do for instruction in the grounds and foundations of all rational decisions (Decisions Quotes)
In the model that we grew up with, governments rule physical territory in which national economies function, and strong economies support hegemonic military power. In the new model, already emerging under our noses, economic decisions don’t pay much attention to national sovereignty in a world where more than half of the one hundred or two hundred largest economic entities are not countries but companies (Decisions Quotes)
Policy decisions on climate change are being deliberated every day by those without full knowledge of the science, and often with intentional misinformation spawned by special interests (Decisions Quotes)
You are an adult when, faced with important decisions, you choose to have more faith in yourself than anything else (Decisions Quotes)
Decisions are a way of defining ourselves. There comes a time in life when there is nothing else to do but go your own way. Where you are headed there are no trails, no paths, just your own instincts (Decisions Quotes)
Strength is taking charge of your own destiny and not waiting on others to do so. You don’t have to swear and drink and beat people up and slay monsters. You’re allowed to cry and take care of children and cook and get your heart broken and dress up and date and get pregnant. But when decisions have to be made, a strong character makes them and doesn’t wait for someone else (Decisions Quotes)
I have great friends around me that are positive and I think that’s the key to life is making your own path. Set your own rules because there is no set rule, there is no set look, there is no set anything. You make your own rules in your life. You make your own decisions (Decisions Quotes)
This isnt the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is a time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love, a lot. Major in philosophy, because theres no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again, because nothings permanent (Decisions Quotes)
It’s amazing that no matter how much money you have, you can make some bad decisions, and in five months you’re on the street, begging (Decisions Quotes)
Decisions are the endless uncertainties of life that we’ll not know if they’re right until the very end, so do the best you can and hope its right (Decisions Quotes)
You are not just here to fill space or be a background character in someone else’s movie. Consider this: nothing would be the same if you did not exist. Every place you have ever been and everyone you have ever spoken to would be different without you. We are all connected, and we are all affected by the decisions and even the existence of those around us (Decisions Quotes)
My family are very supportive and always have been. They weren’t the kind of parents that pushed me into it. I know a lot of parents of kid actors I’ve worked with have pressured them into acting, but my parents are different. I’m really lucky to have them because they let me make my own decisions (Decisions Quotes)
I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I’m human, not perfect, like anybody else (Decisions Quotes)
Frozen in fear, you avoid responsibility because you think your experience is beyond your control. This stance keeps you from making decisions, solving problems, or going after what you want in life (Decisions Quotes)
It is unthinkable to allow complete strangers, whether individually or collectively as state legislators or others in government, to make such personal decisions for someone else (Decisions Quotes)
The corruption of the good by the belief in their own infallible goodnes is the most bloody dangerous pitfall in the human spectrum. Once you have conquered all your sins, pride is the one which will conquer you. A man starts off deciding he is a good man because he makes good decisions. Next thing, he’s convinced that whatever decision he makes must be good because he’s a good man. Most of the wars in the world are caused by people who think they have God on their side. Always stick with people who know they are flawed and ridiculous (Decisions Quotes)
When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art (Decisions Quotes)