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The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws  (Declares Quotes) Religion, declares the modern man, is consciousness of our highest social values. Nothing could be further from the truth. True religion is a profound uneasiness about our highest social values  (Declares Quotes) In this world things are beautiful only because they are not quite seen, or not perfectly understood. Poetry is precious chiefly because it suggests more than it declares  (Declares Quotes) The gospel declares that no matter how dutiful or prayerful we are, we can't save ourselves. What Jesus did was sufficient  (Declares Quotes) Whoso goes to walk alone, accuses the whole world; he declares all to be unfit to be his companions; it is very uncivil, nay, insulting; society will retaliate  (Declares Quotes) Where two principles really do meet which cannot be reconciled with one another, then each man declares the other a fool and a heretic  (Declares Quotes) The bill neither confers nor abridges the rights of anyone but simply declares that in civil rights there shall be equality among all classes of citizens and that all alike shall be subject to the same punishment  (Declares Quotes) Private enterprise manages better all that to which it is equal. Anarchism declares that private enterprise, whether individual or cooperative, is equal to all the undertakings of society  (Declares Quotes) What needs to be discharged is the intolerable tenderness of the past, the past gone and grieved over and never made sense of. Music ransoms us from the past, declares an amnesty, brackets and sets aside the old puzzles. Sing a new song. Start a new life, get a girl, look into her shadowy eyes, smile  (Declares Quotes) Whenever anyone declares having read a book of mine I am disappointed by the error. That’s because my books are not to be read in the sense usually called reading: the only way it seems to me to approach the novels that I write is to catch them in the same manner that one catches an illness  (Declares Quotes) Here, fire turns into water; Here, the dancing of the rain declares the sun. There’s no opposition in existence, no contradiction; Everything supports everything else  (Declares Quotes) For heroes have the whole earth for their tomb; and in lands far from their own, where the column with its epitaph declares it, there is enshrined in every breast a record unwritten with no tablet to preserve it, except that of the heart  (Declares Quotes) Nature declares herself in her works. What exists beyond her domain, if anything, becomes necessarily a matter of faith or imagination  (Declares Quotes) Congress no longer declares war or makes budgets. So that’s the end of the constitution as a working machine  (Declares Quotes) Everyone declares that love is irrational, and yet everytime this statement is proven correct, they profess amazement. They seem to assume that love will make an exception in their case. It never does  (Declares Quotes) Prayer, the basic exercise of the spirit, must be actively practiced in our private lives. The neglected soul of the human being must be made strong enough to assert itself once more. For if the power of prayer is again released and used in the lives of common men and women; if the spirit declares its aims clearly and boldly, there is yet hope that our prayers for a better world will be answered  (Declares Quotes) When a writer declares that his first book is his best, that is bad. I progress successively from book to book  (Declares Quotes) No dogma taught by the present civilization seems to form so insuperable an obstacle in a way of a right understanding of the relations which culture sustains as to wilderness, as that which declares that the world was made especially for the uses of men. Every animal, plant, and crystal controverts it in the plainest terms. Yet it is taught from century to century as something ever new and precious, and in the resulting darkness the enormous conceit is allowed to go unchallenged  (Declares Quotes) He who freely magnifies what hath been nobly done, and fears not to declares as freely what might be done better, gives ye the best covenant of his fidelity  (Declares Quotes) How comes it that a cripple does not offend us, but a fool does? Because a cripple recognizes that we walk straight, whereas a fool declares that it is we who are silly; if it were not so, we should feel pity and not anger  (Declares Quotes) When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty  (Declares Quotes) I have known far too many university graduates, in this country and in my own, who, as soon as they have received the diploma which declares them to be of Certified Intelligence, put their brains in cold storage and never use them again until they are hauled away to the mortuary  (Declares Quotes)
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