Decline Quotes

Text Quotes
Every great panic we have ever had has been foreshadowed by a general decline in observance of religious principles (Decline Quotes)
When we talk about the decline of the American family, I think we have to go back to the Industrial Revolution (Decline Quotes)
In the 1970s, British food was beginning to get good, whereas in France it was just starting its long, sad decline. My most memorable meals, however, have been in Italy (Decline Quotes)
Perhaps Western civilization is in a post-decline phase, or maybe the decline is just taking a really long time, like the Roman Empire’s did. The Romans had gladiators and Christian-hungry lions and that sort of thing. We have MTV (Decline Quotes)
Increased physical activity during the school day can help children’s attention, classroom behavior, and achievement test scores. Meanwhile, the decline of play is closely linked to ADHD; behavioral problems; and stunted social, cognitive, and creative development (Decline Quotes)
As parents, we need to send our kids back to ‘old-fashioned’ outdoor summer camps, which have been on the decline as the demand for sports and academics-based camps has risen. We need to fight budget cuts to public parks programs and resist closures of public swimming pools and playgrounds (Decline Quotes)
American money was never more sound, or banking more free, than 200 years ago. Since then, it’s been a long steady decline from the gold standard and competitive banking to our Fed-run system of inflated paper currency, deposit insurance, and perpetually shaky banks on the dole (Decline Quotes)
We are fast approaching a situation in which nobody will believe anything we [physicists] say in any matter that touches upon our self-interest. Nothing we do is likely to arrest our decline in numbers, support or social value (Decline Quotes)
Fundamental systemic crises are often associated with the decline of the dominant imperial power and its increasing inability to sustain the system over which it had previously presided. The profound instability of the interwar period owed much to Britains inability to maintain its role (Decline Quotes)
Japanese tend to put sales and market share first. They make many products with the aim of raising sales. But then profits decline, and companies find themselves falling into debt... I changed the mindset at Canon by getting people to realize that profits come first (Decline Quotes)
Stocks in the United States plunged in 2002 amid fears of war and terrorism, a weak economy, rising oil prices and dozens of corporate scandals. It was the third consecutive annual decline, the first time that has happened in 60 years (Decline Quotes)
The real problem is that there’s a tendency to associate ageing with loss and decline and things that aren’t desirable. But experiencing all that there is to experience in life - whether that’s at the age of ten or thirty or fifty or eighty - is what life is all about (Decline Quotes)
I believe that lack of empathy is behind many problems, and I believe that it’s disrupting our society. In Great Britain, there is a steady decline in the willingness to be truly generous, and by that I don’t mean monetary generosity, but friendship and sympathy for others (Decline Quotes)
The U.S. dollar is in terminal decline. America is tragically bankrupt, unable to pay its lenders without printing the dollars to do so, and enmeshed in an economic depression. The clock is ticking until the dollar faces a crisis of confidence like every other bubble before it (Decline Quotes)
The steep decline in America’s image and standing after 9/11 is a direct reflection of global distaste for the instruments of American hard power: the Iraq invasion, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, torture, rendition, Blackwater’s killings of Iraqi civilians (Decline Quotes)
We are more advanced technologically than ever before. However, technology, in many respects, is leading to the decline of conversation. (Decline Quotes)
Even though it is the case that poverty is linked to AIDS, in the sense that Africa is poor and they have a lot of AIDS, it’s not necessarily the case that improving poverty - at least in the short run, that improving exports and improving development - it’s not necessarily the case that that’s going to lead to a decline in HIV prevalence. (Decline Quotes)
Grandmasters decline with age. That’s a given. There is nothing special about the age of 40, but age eventually takes its toll. That much is clear. Beyond that, it’s about how long you can put off the effects and compensate for them. Mistakes will crop in, but you try to compensate for them with experience and hard work. (Decline Quotes)
On the strength of his literary output alone... any woman of sense would decline to tackle D.H. Lawrence at 1,000 pounds a night. (Decline Quotes)
Just six years into the 21st century, one can say this is not shaping up to be anything like an American century. Rather, the U.S. seems much more likely to be faced with a very different kind of future: how to manage its own imperial decline. (Decline Quotes)
The rise of African nations concurrent with the spread of the Nation of Islam and the civil rights movement gave black America a burst of pride over and above anything they had had since the decline of the movement of Marcus Garvey. (Decline Quotes)
As homeowners see the value of their homes decline, they become more likely to delay purchases of the big items - like automobiles, electronics and home appliances - that are ballasts of the American economy. When those purchases decline, large manufacturing firms, suddenly short on funds, could begin laying off employees. (Decline Quotes)
In addition to the decline in competition, American politics today is characterized by a growing ideological polarization between the two major political parties. (Decline Quotes)
The world is fortunate - for the time being, at least - that it has an American president in Obama who is prepared to take a conciliatory and concessive attitude towards America’s decline and that it has a Chinese leadership which has been extremely cautious about expressing an opinion, let alone flexing its muscles. (Decline Quotes)
And over time, I think, as Iraqi security capacity builds, you’ll see American and coalition presence there decline. (Decline Quotes)
Russians clearly perceive America’s global influence as being in irreversible decline and American society shattered by major political, economic and ideological crises. (Decline Quotes)
Look the, the American worker has been losing - for decades now. We’ve seen manufacturing in decline here in the industrial Midwest. (Decline Quotes)
Ronald Reagan was an anti-government, union-busting, race baiting, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-intellectual, who cut rich people’s taxes in half, had a incurable case of the military-industrial complex, and said Medicare was socialism that would destroy our freedom. [. . .] Both sides really should stop pretending he was something other than the man most responsible for our decline. (Decline Quotes)
As educational standards decline and pop culture disseminates the inarticulate ravings and unintelligible patois of surfers, jocks, and valley girls, we are turning into a nation of functioning illiterates [...].English itself will steadily decay unless we get back to basics and start to respect our language again. (Decline Quotes)
But only that soul can be my friend which I encounter on the line of my own march, that soul to which I do not decline, and which does not decline me, but, native of the same celestial latitude, repeats in its own all my experience. (Decline Quotes)