Deep Quotes

Text Quotes
If by losing the spirit of prayer, you mean losing the heavenly sensations of deep devotion, I am afraid that does not matter a scrap (Deep Quotes)
There are things in the human mind that are not meant to be seen or touched, things seldom even acknowledged by our conscious selves. Fantasies, impulses, rages, hatreds, primitive instincts. They’re buried deep, usually, and that’s where they belong (Deep Quotes)
Every religious tradition on which we draw has a reverence for life. We are a part of an intricate web of life. Every tradition on which we draw teaches that the ultimate expression of our spirituality is our action. Deep spirituality leads to action in the world. A deep reverence for life, love of nature’s complex beauty and sense of intimate connection with the cosmos leads inevitably to a commitment to work for environmental and social justice (Deep Quotes)
My love for you tonight is so deep and tender that it seems to be outside myself as well (Deep Quotes)
Nothing seems real anymore. Even the flames from the fire seem to beckon to me, drawing me into some great past life buried somewhere deep in my subconscious, if only I could find the key.. if only.. if only. Ever since my illness, my condition, I’ve been trying to find some logical way of passing my time, of justifying a means to an end (Deep Quotes)
Art is the act of triggering deep memories, of what it means to be fully human (Deep Quotes)
The dead they sleep a long, long sleep; The dead they rest, and their rest is deep; The dead have peace, but the living weep (Deep Quotes)
In the deep, unwritten wisdom of life there are many things to be learned that cannot be taught. We never know them by hearing them spoken, but we grow into them by experience and recognize them through understanding. Understanding is a great experience in itself, but it does not come through instruction (Deep Quotes)
Ideas are merely sensations imprinted deep inside us... Like attracts like... There is great wisdom in the subconscious mind. If you begin to work with it, it can be of tremendous benefit to you and serve as an excellent reservoir of knowledge (Deep Quotes)
It was not that the jagged precipices were lofty, that the encircling woods were the dimmest shade, or that the waters were profoundly deep; but that over all, rocks, wood, and water, brooded the spirit of repose, and the silent energy of nature stirred the soul to its inmost depths (Deep Quotes)
Courage lies in being oneself, in showing complete independence, in loving what one loves, in discovering the deep roots of one’s feelings (Deep Quotes)
The urgent finds you; you have to find the important. Importance is not fast. It is slow. It is not superficial. It is deep. And as a result, it’s extremely powerful. When important matters go wrong, they undermine everything. When they go right, they sustain everything (Deep Quotes)
There is no pattern the human mind can devise that does not exist already within the bounds of nature... Everything we do, see, write, notate, all are an echo of the deep seams of the universe. Music is the invisible world made visible through sound (Deep Quotes)
Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live (Deep Quotes)
Shallow breathing is the root of all evil but conscious deep breathing restores and secures our souls (Deep Quotes)
That’s life. We all go through the tractor blades now and then. We all get bruised, and we all get cut. Sometimes the blade cuts deep. The lucky ones come through with a few scratches, a little blood, but even that isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is having someone there to scoop you up, to hold you tight, and to tell you everything is all right (Deep Quotes)
I wish I never fell so deep in love with you and now it ain’t no way we can be friends (Deep Quotes)
I think everyone must have a first memory of some house, some room, a vivid picture that will remain deep down in one forever (Deep Quotes)
A unique relationship develops among team members who enter into dialogue regularly. They develop a deep trust that cannot help but carry over to discussions. They develop a richer understanding of the uniqueness of each person’s point of view (Deep Quotes)
The art of concentrating strength at one point, forcing a breakthrough, rolling up and securing the flanks on either side, and then penetrating like lightning deep into his rear, before the enemy has time to react (Deep Quotes)
Nothing we do has the quickness, the sureness, the deep intelligence living at peace would have (Deep Quotes)
To be a deep listener, one of the first things we have to do is give up the need and the desire to give advice. Knowing answers does not require stating them; there are times when offering answers is not helpful, as when a person is in the middle of their own learning process (Deep Quotes)
For me, giving thanks is a sign of appreciation and gratitude that also brings about a deep sense of peace (Deep Quotes)
Death is not the end. Death is an ocean on all sides of our lives. Deep and dark and cold, and anything but empty (Deep Quotes)
If you get deep enough, you get trapped. Stop calling yourself a user. You are being used (Deep Quotes)
It is the deep, salty stickiness of food that intrigues me more than any other quality (Deep Quotes)
Now, let us all take a deep breath and forge on into the future; knitting at the ready (Deep Quotes)
No matter who we are or where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. It’s like we have lost something and need to get it back. Just what that something is, most of us never find out. And of those who do, even fewer manage to go out and look for it (Deep Quotes)
Deep in the chaotic regime, slight changes in structure almost always cause vast changes in behavior. Complex controllable behavior seems precluded (Deep Quotes)
Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings (Deep Quotes)