Deep Quotes

Text Quotes
When you meet someone you love, then you change for good. That’s why the other person will never know or understand the earlier you, and why you can never change back. And why, when that person starts to go, you’ll feel the tear deep in your heart long before your head has the slightest clue what’s going on (Deep Quotes)
The nicest men in the world were horribly cruel. They took no great pleasure from it, it was just part of being a male, with a perpetual deep gulf between the sexes (Deep Quotes)
A photographer’s best pictures are from deep inside him, and also some of the worst. Some photographers enjoy distinguished careers without ever taking personal photographs. Others, audaciously and arrogantly and courageously discharge their most private feelings through photography. Trouble is, sometimes it all adds up to baloney (Deep Quotes)
I think despair and cynicism are two different things. On the flip side of hope is despair. Belief and doubt are the same thing, in that to believe something you have to actively doubt the opposite. And from my perspective, that’s the deep end. You’re dealing with the unknown; you’re dealing with mystery (Deep Quotes)
I have not tired of the wilderness; rather I enjoy its beauty and the vagrant life I lead, more keenly all the time. I prefer the saddle to the street car and the star sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown, to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bred by cities (Deep Quotes)
Deep inside, the majority of people had the sneaking suspicion that evil was more powerful than good and could be counteracted only by more evil (Deep Quotes)
Some of us have a hard time believing that we are actually able to face our own pain. We have convinced ourselves that our pain is too deep, too frightening, something to avoid at all costs. Yet if we finally allow ourselves to feel the depth of that sadness and gently let it break our hearts, we may come to feel a great freedom, a genuine sense of release and peace, because we have finally stopped running away from ourselves and from the pain that lives within us (Deep Quotes)
When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subside and our mind becomes still, a deep happiness and contentment naturally arises from within (Deep Quotes)
Cultivate an appreciation and passion for books. I’m using passion in the fullest sense of the word: a deep, fervent emotion, a state of intense desire; an enthusiastic ardor for something or someone (Deep Quotes)
We live in a kind of dark age, craftily lit with synthetic light, so that no one can tell how dark it has really gotten. But our exiled spirits can tell. Deep in our bones resides an ancient singing couple who just won’t give up making their beautiful, wild noise. The world won’t end if we can find them (Deep Quotes)
More and more, I am pulled reluctantly towards a strong horizontal current, which is a place where time is moving at such high velocity, that even our breath is forced to accelerate just in order for us humans to survive. And I have always believed, that it is in our slow exhalation, where the sense of this deep spiritual energy resides. In a world moving so fast, with the growth of technology and information, I am somehow inclined to move against this current, in search of what it might mean to be connected not just spiritually, but also vertically (Deep Quotes)
Choose your words meticulously and then let them rumble up from some deep furnace of conviction (Deep Quotes)
One thing about championship teams is that they’re resilient. No matter what is thrown at them, no matter how deep the hole, they find a way to bounce back and overcome adversity (Deep Quotes)
Down deep in every soul has a hidden longing, impulse, and ambition to do something fine and enduring... If you are willing, great things are possible to you (Deep Quotes)
They say that if you’re afraid of homosexuals, it means that deep down inside you’re actually a homosexual yourself. That worries me because I’m afraid of dogs (Deep Quotes)
Your feelings are your signals of deep truths inside of you. They’re the language of your soul, and they need you to listen to them (Deep Quotes)
I want to challenge all of you as people of deep conscience, people who are environment stewards of the earth and oceans... By changing what you eat, you will change the entire contract between the human species and the natural world (Deep Quotes)
There is superficial conflict but deep concord between science and theistic religion, but superficial concord and deep conflict between science and naturalism (Deep Quotes)
The many ways to listen have been reaching into me for years. To enter deep listening, I’ve had to learn how to keep emptying and opening, how to keep beginning. I’ve had to lean into all I don’t understand, accepting that I am changed by what I hear (Deep Quotes)
Land is a nation’s basis for existence. The nation has its roots like those of a tree deep in the country’s soil whence it derives its nourishment and life. There is no people that can live without land, as there is no tree which can live hanging in air (Deep Quotes)
I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without (Deep Quotes)
Maybe deep down inside we were all still in our formative years. Maybe it was never too late for any of us to change (Deep Quotes)
The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can be summed up in a single sentence: Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle is not (Deep Quotes)
Early in my career I discovered that there was something really special about photographing at night that places your mind on the surface of the planet. You’re no longer just a human being walking around in the regular world. You’re a human animal striding around on the surface of the planet that’s out in the middle of the galaxy. We as a culture, we’re forgetting that we are actually natural organisms and that we have this very deep connection and contact with nature. You can’t divorce civilization from nature. We totally depend on it (Deep Quotes)
I believe that the more time we spend choosing to run the deep inner circuitries of our right hemispheres, the more peace we will project into the world and the more peaceful our planet will be (Deep Quotes)
One of the hopeful things that I’ve discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies. The media could’ve stopped it if they had searched deep enough; if they hadn’t reprinted government propaganda they could’ve stopped it (Deep Quotes)
Our tears are what happens when it rains deep inside our hearts and we cannot hold the rain any longer (Deep Quotes)
You have to reach deep within yourself to see if you are willing to make the sacrifices (Deep Quotes)
I have developed a deep respect for animals. I consider them fellow living creatures with certain rights that should not be violated any more than those of humans (Deep Quotes)
The roots of love sink down and deep and strike out far, and they are arteries that feed our lives, so we must see that they get the water and sun they need so they can nourish us. And when you put something good into the world, something good comes back to you (Deep Quotes)